My name is Johnnie Lapierre and I am the administrator Gallic Matal Service. Please contact me for any enquiries or issues related to Gallic Matal Service. Thank you in advance!
Location: Berry
Owners: Gallic Metal Service
Alignment: Lawful
Affiliation: Gallic Metal Service
Population: 800
Gallic Metal Service S.A. (GMS) was formed in 314 AGS (398 A.S.) by merging several mining companies operating across Gallic space. Over the ages, she expanded her influence across Gallic space, laying claim to any and all exploitable space resources by virtue of daring exploration and careful corporate absorption, most notably, Arcadia Materiaux Distribution. While smaller mining companies do operate in Gallic space their share is no more than 5 percent of the market.
With 10 percent of its stake controlled by the government and no executive representation from the same, GMS is one of the few Gallic corporations that isn’t heavily influenced by the Crown. The Company is generous, providing medical, housing, and education services to its employees and their families. While work on mining operations planetside and in space can be very dangerous, high salaries and extensive social services are attractive enough for many colonists who seek a better life and have no intentions of joining unlawful groups.
The GMS's relatively low level of government control has afforded them a nearly unprecedented level of autonomy. Autonomy carefully maintained by gracious affability to the crown and careful internal management to avoid any cause or need for "offered" supervision by military of political bodies; resulting in a company well versed in taking care of its own, personnel and problems alike.
The recent breach of the barrier has afforded a unique opportunity for a select few members of the company, to scout, claim and exploit those resources which might be discovered within a relatively unknown Sirius.
Gallic Matal Service currently operates on open docking, allowing access to all entities. We reserve the right to suspend or remove at anytime, any license granted, if the holder becomes a criminal or as result of the authorities.
It has taken alot of time to make certain modifications to our outpost but they are done now and all our systems are working at an optimal capacity.
We are now ready to serve the Kingdom with everything we can such as mining, processing and shipping ores and others including the building process of jump drives, hyperspace scanners, cloaks and docking modules on our new outpost.
Due to the fact we are at war, all navy orders are more important than any other order, any production shall be halted untill the product/s ordered by the navy are completed.
We are glad to announce the the modifications we wanted to bring to our outpost have been successfully completed and we are now working at full capacity
Je, Johnnie Lapierre, have recently aranged for Gallic Matal Service to activate its engines and move to Planet Bourges perimeter.
After a long time, Gallic Matal Service has arrived in the perimeter of Planet Bourges and is now in the orbit of the planet at a distance of 15 kilometers.
Everyone is invited to stop by at our party and drink good quality ale! Don`t forget to feast from our great rations cooked by great chefs that cooked van recipies.
We are very short handed at the moment so we need your help to ship ores from our outpost to the facilities that need these ores to process them and send them further into the production line.
If you think you can help us and The Kingdom, please stop by and load your cargo hold with these minerals.
Thank you for your devotation to The Kingdom!
Long live the king!