if you want you can try glegle english.......french it's +/- exactly that i mean. more it's not directly for you. only my vengeance is for you
I'm still waiting for your vengeance.
I do not rename any of my ships, giving players that want revenge a chance, or even giving them a chance to set up a bounty on me, or just avoid me altogether.
be patient, i'm not always here. i must make some money (now no money on my kujira) to have a descent fighter , i'm not stupid i cant to attack your ship with my kujira.
dont be afraid i keep on eye on you for the right instant. à bientôt
(11-20-2013, 07:34 PM)NoMe Wrote: be patient, i'm not always here. i must make some money (now no money on my kujira) to have a descent fighter , i'm not stupid i cant to attack your ship with my kujira.
dont be afraid i keep on eye on you for the right instant. à bientôt
OK, well some advice then...
Best ship to take my Pilgrim Liner out on a budget is a Bomber, I recommend a Waran with Pirate ID and full EMP, then just approach me, demand some credits (whatever you like, preferably a ridiculous amount so I don't pay), then kill me, you could even wait until I'm carrying valuable cargo to make me suffer even more.
(11-20-2013, 07:34 PM)NoMe Wrote: be patient, i'm not always here. i must make some money (now no money on my kujira) to have a descent fighter , i'm not stupid i cant to attack your ship with my kujira.
dont be afraid i keep on eye on you for the right instant. à bientôt
OK, well some advice then...
Best ship to take my Pilgrim Liner out on a budget is a Bomber, I recommend a Waran with Pirate ID and full EMP, then just approach me, demand some credits (whatever you like, preferably a ridiculous amount so I don't pay), then kill me, you could even wait until I'm carrying valuable cargo to make me suffer even more.
Full EMP Cannons
Antimatter Cannon
Nova Torpedo Launcher
Train CD
Armor Upgrade 8
Freighter shield
Should cost less than 40 million.
Good luck and happy hunting!
already tryed to kill a pilgrim slaver with a bomber, without success but why not to try again , it's a good idea! i made one in case but it seem that our post is a little bit "saoulant" for other so i must say, that i can't at this instant answer with my ship. but i also promise that when i can, no problem i'm your. i dont know exactly when sorry.
your exemple seem well, the new waran have these specifications. the pilgrim in good hand have some + too, why not it could be a fun fight
when we reach you in game it's a little expensive man.
but very funny
(11-20-2013, 07:37 PM)Garrett_Jax Wrote: Does this thread really need to continue?
not obliged, but it seem, that it's not solved again. what is the text? could be result a sort of roleplay?
(11-20-2013, 09:42 AM)Dancing Lady Wrote:
(11-20-2013, 09:29 AM)NoMe Wrote: nomgle
if you want you can try glegle english.......french it's +/- exactly that i mean. more it's not directly for you. only my vengeance is for you
when i have to speak it's difficult, if you can translate for me, i can pay you. say me the price!
Sometimes it's a good idea to relax and stay cool.
[11:20:20] aerelm: its not fl dev work if you dont have to power through the whole thing on your own
[11:20:32] aerelm: help is for pussy devs like in dota