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Personal details:
Full name:Matilda Elizabeth Fiona Antioch
Age: 19
Date of Birth: 12th December 800AS
Place of birthlanet New London, New London system.
Father: Sir William Alexander Antioch 763AS - N/A
Mother: Victoria Charlotte Stephanie Antioch nee Vickers (Deceased) 774-808AS
Siblings: 4 1 (Deceased)
Brothers: George Andrew Antioch & Charles Samuel Antioch (Deceased) 797AS -N/A & 797AS-808AS
Sisters: Annabel Margaret Rose Antioch 799AS-N/A, and Juliet Mary Victoria Antioch 801AS-N/A
Martial status: Single
Children: None
Religion: Agnostic Christian
Physical description:
Height: 167cm
Weight: 65kg
Eye colour: Blue
Hair colour: Pink (dyed, naturally blond)
Ethnicity: White Brentonian with distant Rheinlander ancestry on maternal side.
Scars, tattoos or other marks: Small birth mark on lower back and small butterfly tattoo on hip.
Biography: Matilda was the fourth child and second daughter of William and Victoria Antioch she was born into typical upper middle class Bretonia, a life of privilege and comfort. Like her other siblings she had a happy childhood but she wasn't like her sisters she wasn't very good at art or ballet like they were. she was often caught for not doing work in school as she was always playing a old flight sim where she was even better then her Father who was a BAF pilot in his younger days. This all changed on that fateful day in 808AS, when her mother and brother Charles were killed by the Corsairs.
Unlike her brother George she was unharmed in the attack and has been an avid amateur pilot on New London since 814AS when she got her terrestrial pilot's licence and was almost called up for service in 818AS when she turned 18 but was busy with her sisters nursing the wounded that came to New London, she was also attending college studying nursing but she wanted to fly into combat but her over-protective older Brother kept her grounded. Then early in 819AS she was sent to Leeds with her sisters to help with the evacuation, their Father kept this away from George as he would have strongly objected and possibly could have taken them away from the cesspool that is Leeds.
They where busy tending to wounded one day in early 820AS when the Gallic invasion fleet entered the system in full force, they had to leave but they also had to evac the wounded so they left on the last transport out but that made them an easy target for the battleship Villeneuve of the GRN which fired it's Warwolf main gun. The energy bolt should have destroyed their transport, but an Exile pilot sacrificed himself to save the transport which was crippled in the EMP blast. with it's engines knocked out the Transport was a sitting duck for the battleship and it lined up for a second shot when the HMS Darby swooped in and rammed the Gallic battleship killing them both but allowed the transport to be towed away before any other Gallic ships could find them. She was then sent to the Sprague when she was picked by George and taken to Stuttgart.
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Matilda woke up started. "Huh what?"
She said as she bolted upright. "Oh it's only the alarm."
She turned it off. "I need to know if George has kept his word."
She picked up her data-slate, which was an almost identical copy of George's one but was pink. "Where is the message?"
She said as she flicked though the tabs on the slate. "Ah there it is."
She read George's message. "Matilda, as you may or may not know I have spoken to Mr Edwards about you enlistment to the 27th Assault Fleet, and have come to realise that I should be less resistant to change." "Oh god I hope he hasn't been to harsh on Felix." "I have come to the decision that you can enlist for the 27th Assault Fleet, and I also apologise for my behaviour as of late, it's mostly due to Helga and her condition."
Matilda froze "Oh my god! He really allowed me?" "Now go out there and kick Gaul arse!"
He signed off with the Antioch family motto as it typical of him. "FATA NOS SUMUS DOMIMI NOSTRORUM"
Matilda was still in shock.
"I need a drink"
With that she got up and went to the kitchenette and found some leftover gin. "Great, I need more gin."
Matilda then drank the remaining gin which was only a small cap full. "Now where did I put my flight suit?" She said as she went into the shower.
After she showered she got dressed quickly. "Right off the Coronado then to get out fitted I suppose"
She left her apartment on Freeport 4.
*two and a half months later*
Matilda held the pregnancy test in her hand and unlike most woman at her age she wanted it to be positive. "Oh for god sake hurry up." She said waiting for the result.
When the result came up. "Oh thank god."
She is went to a picture of Felix on one of the wall one of the few that remained. "Felix, although you didn't live to see this we both knew that it would happen anyway."
She rolled onto the bed and started crying. "Why can't I just be happy." she cried into the pillow. "First I lose you, then Father wants me home for something and also wants your seed to be destroyed while George is also on the act."
Before she could continue the rant her data slate buzzed. "Oh god I hope Father hasn't found me."
She looked at the message it was from George.
Matilda before you close this please hear me out, your sisters and Helga miss you very much also Father is worried sick for your safety.
I am sorry about what has transpired but I have little control over it Father is the one who wants it destroyed not I.
If you don't want to listen this I understand but I will try and talk it over with father.
'Till then I bid you farewell.
"Oh thank god it's not Father."
She looked for an alternative but all she could find was David Avant a fellow former member of the 27th assault fleet. "I need to see him but I need to keep a low profile."
She looked around for her flight suit. "I do hope David is flying today." She said as she quickly left her borrowed apartment.