Guten tag. I was told that reports which contains nomad non-combat activity in Rheinland should be send in copy to BDM, despite I guess you were already informed. So hier it is, in attachment. That is all.
PRIORITY: High ENCRYPTION: High, RFP coding IDENTIFICATION:Wachmann Laura Carsten SOURCE:Stuttgart Federal Polizeikrankenhaus, planet Stuttgart TIME STAMP:7th December, 14:52 local time SUBJECT:I´m fine. Back in service soon. And...that nomad encounter
*Laura appears on the screen apparently distraught*
Guten tag. Wachmann Laura Carsten here. I was told to make official report as soon as possible and now the possible moment happened after I was finally released from that stup...special ward here.
So first of all, I´m really not crazy. Doctors confirmed that. I´m saying it because at the beginning my mental health was questioned for some reason after I landed on the polizei starport on Stuttgart and was detained. They told me I was reported for having hallucinations, talking to myself and some other...crap.
So really nein. Maybe my behaviour was little strange from what I saw in logs, but the reason was actually a nomad, which started to communicate with me and which I in the end encountered in Stuttgart space. And that is what this is all about because it is quite disturbing.
*holds a breath for a moment, thinking*
But from the beginning. It started week ago, 29th of November in the evening during mein patrol with director Artura and kadett Dermen. From later searching in the TLAGSNET record from black box of my ship, it appeared that nomad firstly showed up in Hamburg system where he used some lanes, probably cloaked, then jumped to New Berlin. We couldn´t notice it because we were occupied by hunting and then fighting with Red Hessian gunboat named PeaceBringer at that time. Fight took place at Hamburg gate in New Berlin system.
I started to hear some noise which I though was some radio noise, but also got strange feeling during fight. But I was able to ignore that at that moment. After the fight ended by destruction of Hessian ship, I heard something like voice, saying something about light beings - by what it meant them, and flesh beings, what meant humans. It didn´t make sence at the beginning but from what I understood later, the nomad was probably watching the fight cloaked and was trying why we fought to each other. That thing was able to somehow "speak" to me so I tried to answer what then looked like I´m speaking to myself. Again, I didn´t!
But then the talk disappeared for some time,, but later returned. I started to feel urge to go to Stuttgart system, kadett Dermen went with me. That thing was talking "they" swim in oceans and this one is harmless but we - humans, or evil flesh or metal swimmers to use its "words", are unfriendly and spitfires.
Then it again disappeared and with it also my inner need to go to Omega-11. Kadett Dermen then reported some ship which crashed into Stuttgart´s atmosphere, loaded with artifacts which were glowing, what confirmed that nomad is around, obviously still cloaked despite I asked it to show itself. Hard to judge if this was just coincidence, or the nomad somehow caused the crash of the ship...or it was even cooperating somehow with nomad in artifact smuggling? I really don´t know.
Anyway, we went to planet New Berlin orbit and kadett Dermen landed to hand over confiscated contraband. But I again felt some inner need to return to Stuttgart and deal with this thing which again started to project words into my head. For reasons I´m not sure about, I went by lanes to Omega-11 jump gate but then cruised for quite a long sector 5D or 6C, I´m not sure.
And there it showed to me. It was quite small one, comparing to others which sometimes we fight with. It had only little armament, yet I tried to be ready to shoot it down. But it appeared it was trying to speak to me. Saying something"don´t seek hives within this ocean because it´s contaminated, despite it´s pretty in here and it is enjoying the stay here".
At least that is what I remembered after doctors drugged me here with something for memory refresh. At least they told me that. I felt really awful and...never mind. The "ocean" probably meant Stuttgart system. But that probably meant us, humans. So not the best meaning I think.
*stops and takes a few pills from the table, swallows them and then drinks down with few gulps of water*
Anyway, at this moment our "talk" started to have some physical impacts on me, I started to feel dizzy and disoriented and got headache which was slowly going to be worse and worse. It was hard to control the ship and even my body. But I tried to get some informations too and questioned the nomad why came here, speak with me and showed to me.
It answered he is "youngest light with lack of knowledge about complicated flesh beings", or something like that, so he probably came to look on us, study us. And this is what I find disturbing on this. It was able to be in Rheinland core space for quite long time, unnoticed, studying and scanning us and our ships. And only use of trade lanes revealed it´s presence. What if there is more like this, only well hidden?! It seems we are so vulnerable. Oh and by the way how the hell is this thing able to use our trade lanes, maybe even jump gates too?!
But...back to report. I tried to ask how is it communication with me because I was not speaking, yet the talk continued. It admitted it is something like "mind reading". What sounds scary as well. It was flying around cloaked with ability to mind reading. It also said something like that our home is and illusion. I´m not sure what this mean but I don´t like how it sounds at all!
Anyway, then it said something about it enjoyed me being friendly and probably even asked to be friend with me. Then without warning cloaked and disappeared, probably because saw my not nice answer. I could not do anything to prevent it from escape. My physical and even mental condition was quite bad, I almost lost consciousness and felt completely exhausted, physically as well as mentally. To be honest I started to think I´m going to die.
*closes eyes for a moment and then looks like gets that feelings and pain again*
I turned on my emergency transmitter, but after some time finally found enough will and strength to fly again. I set course to planet Stuttgart and arrived there few hours later. Then got detained as "possible crazy" and then, after I told them what really happened, they only changed the reason to "possible infected".
Then they did lot of tests but everything was gut. Some people also spoke with my, I´m not sure who were they, maybe from BDM. I don´t know and don´t want to know. Only thing I want now is to get out of here as soon as possible. So I should be in service soon. Oh, wait, scans. I for some reason didn´t have much scans of that nomad, but at least two were in my recorder. Here they are...
Viktor Brandt reporting here.
Frau Carsten, although you may not understand the importance of the situation, we and your superiors do. You have made the right choice in contacting Das Buro for this occasion.
We can understand the branding of 'possible infected' after interacting with said Nomad, we can't take any chances with these beings. 87% of interactions end up with infection of the human host. We absolutely can't take risks.
The first thing I gather from your report is that the Nomad targeted you. This is extremely dangerous, Carsten. Targeting individuals of a group usually means interest or desire of possession. Do you want to be an alien's toy? I certainly hope not.
For such a small being, it also had a large effect on you. You felt compelled to fly through specific systems and locations. We can only suggest that you either are 'weak in mind' or very stressed. It is a possibility that Nomads can use stress to their advantage. This of course, is an experimental theory.
And your tests say everything was gut? The tests say that for now, but later on is another story.
I propose you take checkups regularly with BDM public representatives to take notes and monitor your levels on a more professional note. The checkups are usually simple questionnaires. Weight loss, mental changes, emotional changes, sleep deprivation and persona alterations. This is all optional, but highly recommended.
And to finish this *prescription*, I recommend you reinforce your loyalty to the Kanzler. This will make you a harder target as you find reasons to ignore and repel them. And of course, keeping this channel open for emergency alerts regarding your health is recommended.
Please, Frau Carsten, remember that this is all protocol. Like I said, we can't take risks on the precious lives of a loyal Rheinlander.
PRIORITY: High ENCRYPTION: High IDENTIFICATION:RFP Wachmann Laura Carsten SOURCE:Dormitory of RFP starport, planet Hamburg SUBJECT:What?!
*Laura appears on the screen apparently distraught again*
Guten tag Inspektor Brandt. To be must be very good in scaring people. At least it works this way for me at the moment. I thought that after I was released from polizeikrankenhaus with all tests negative, I can throw this episode away except for having experience for case if something like this will happen again.
And now you are telling me that it didn´t end? That I should be tested again repeatedly in future? Why? Will be my mental or physical condition questioned again?
I´m sorry but I don´t understand what is going on. Is there something we are not informed about? We were told during basic training and during learning basics about these situations that human can be infected only through direct physical contact. So until we in space stay closed in our cocpits, we are safe.
*stops for a moment and nervously takes out a cigar from pack on the table, then after a second puts it back*
So what is this about? Am I in danger? But how could I be even secretly infected?! Are the Nomads able to do that even from distance? Through simple communication? If this is true, why we weren´t warned?! What we can do? What did I miss about this threat?
Also why would they want to target me? There was much higher ranked officer at the moment when nomad met us for first time...
*stops for a moment again and little more nervously takes out a cigar from pack again, finally ligts it and inhales the smoke, calming herself and thinking. then looks back*
I need answers inspektor. Bitte. thing. With all respect, do not dare to question my loyalty. I don´t like it. It doesn´t need any reinforcing. I took an oath to protect the people of Rheinland and to enforce justice. And I´m trying do that as gut as possible. You may ask for example the crew of that Corsair gunboat which was destroyed yesterday in Omega-7 and my missiles with hornvipers did part of the job. Carsten out.
Carsten, I can understand the confusion. My intentions was not to scare you, but to practice protocol.
For most of your questions, you might have to ask the Nomad. It is less than likely that you'll experience physical changes, we can't take any chances though. And from this situation, it was a recommendation, but a highly suggested one.
Yes, staying behind the metal walls of your vessel does protect you from infection, but it doesn't protect you from manipulation, the process of following a Nomad's orders with zealotry. But it is apparent you're already a zealot of the Kanzler, so worries there!
As I said, infection from a distance isn't possible, but thought manipulation is. But again, I don't suspect you'd be one to fail to it. No, infection can't be done through speech. Yes, we'd alert you if this was an issue. If there was some form of way to stop Nomads from manipulating us, you'd hear it from your officers, not us. All you can do to combat the manipulation threat is do what you're doing, stay loyal to the Kanzler, enforce your beliefs and fight the Nomad with mind and matter.
High ranked? That's interesting. As a wild guess, I'd say the Nomad saw more potential in you than the superior. But honestly, with this information, I can theorize the Nomad took a wild chance and targeted anyone. But then again, aren't Nomads smarter than that...?
Ahem. Excellent. Your loyalty is unscathed by this event. Your still the same Carsten that I see arresting smugglers. I can put my anxieties to rest. You should too. You've passed the manipulation test. You still expressed fear in being controlled by a Nomad and still hold your morals tight.
Again, apologies for the stress, all protocol, all green, no infection. And a round of applauds for your ability to take out that Corsair Gunboat! I can only imagine the fear in doing so!
PRIORITY:Medium ENCRYPTION: High IDENTIFICATION:RFP Wachmann Laura Carsten SOURCE:Stuttgart Federal Polizeikrankenhaus, planet Stuttgart SUBJECT:And you wonder why people don´t like you. Also, smugglers
*Laura appears on the screen in the outside part of hospital area*
Guten tag Inspektor Brandt. I´m in hospital again, this, fortunately so to say...because my ship was destroyed during attack of Hessian battleship and hired freelancer bomber...and because some military officer doesn´t know what it means that capital ships should provide cover to their fighters when needed. Fortunately I was lucky and had gut escape pod, so no serious injuries.
But that is off topic of our discussion, back to the original one. I don´t think you should be afraid of me being threatened by nomad manipulation. Because next time, I will probably kill the nomad instantly just after he appear. Apart from other reasons to prevent such complicated aftermath like the one which happened to me in past days.
Don´t take it personally but now I understand why so many people in lawful forces don´t like the BDM...especially your -special- methods. Because you scared the hell out of me with your, test. Maybe it was necessary...but still, I didn´t sleep for the whole night, thinking if I will some day change into a nomad puppet out of nothing. Danke very much for this! Anyway. I hope there are not any other smart secret tests and this nomad episode is finally over for me.
But now, let´s talk about something else, inspektor. You reminded my favourite hobby, catching smugglers. If I remember it correctly...were you the one who was with me solving the strange story of possible smuggler ships named -Sythe- and chicken some time ago? I think it´s you. I´m asking because I´m somehow trying to further investigate those two because they are still sometimes spotted from time to time in Rheinland and I´m starting to believe they are part of some bigger and well organized smuggling group.
So I wanted to ask if you worked on this too. Are there any reports, records, evidence...anything from you or other BDM officers what I could use in my investigation? I guess you at least made some report about the encounter with them where I was partially present too. It would help me to know what others think about this case, on the spot you seemed to take their strange story about Libertonians with Nomads preparing jumping invasion to Rheinland quite seriously.
If you can send me any materials, or at least copies, that would be nice. And maybe then I won´t be angry at you anymore for creating one of the worst nights in my life. Carsten out.
As always, it is gut to see you're in good health, Carsten. Das Buro is fully aware of our public image, but thankyou for the feedback.
Ah yes, the -Sythe- and chicken smugglers. I could never grasp their goals or plans. So ja, that was me who was assisting with their investigation.
Larger smuggling group? That seems valid. I haven't seen them since they revealed their voice recordings to us. I think that's a gut thing though. I managed to enable my recorder as theirs was blasting away. I have documented somewhere.
They had said they had gained access to Alaska, the Liberty 'top secret system' of sorts. They said they were a station and they had activated a Nomad Battleship docked on a shipyard or something. I can't begin to describe the flaws.
I ran the recorded recording through a test and it seemed forged, but it's hard to say. I certainly do not believe they have access to Alaska and have dealt with the Nomads first hand, but the facts may persuade me to believe so.
I believe I have a report somewhere that deals with their shenanigans, I'll get that uploaded. Currently, I am the only Inspektor that really handles high level smuggling, I guess I still have my Polizei roots! I'll also see if I can upload said recording for you.
And yes, the hidden tests are over, you take ease now.
Data Uploading...
Smugglers_Report Wrote: Name: Viktor Brandt Rank: Inspektor Report Name: Smugglers and Smite
Today was certainly an interesting day.
To begin, Scatten's scanners detected a mass of VWA and VR- ships within Rheinland space. Their numbers were gradually increasing too. I launched my ship, but was interrupted by the infamous -Sythe and chicken ships. They had made their name as DSE smugglers that came in and out of Rheinland trying to smuggle some of the Fatherland's mighty resources.
I put a stop to that.
After my cruise distruptors put an end to their trip, they tried to convince me some form of garbage, saying that they were spies and that Liberty was planning to invade. AFter multiple attempts of trying to get them to drop their cargo hold of Hydrogen Cyanide, I opened fire as a response to their resilience. One of them managed to escape, but -Sythe- was shot down. Despite this, the 'chicken' vessel made an attempt to convince me that New Berlin was going to be invaded by a Liberty fleet twice the size of Rheinland's.
Quote:[x]-Sythe and chicken [x]-Sythe's load of Hydrogen Cyanide [x]-chicken's load of Hydrogen Cyanide [x]-Sythe's destruction [x]-Ramblings of the smuggler
But it gets better. I received a message from a panicked soldier, asking that I meet him at Hamburg immediately. He asked about the DSE smugglers and what they had said to me. Frau Laura.C joined the scene and helped me calm the crazy man. After we had stopped him talking, we headed to the Frankfurt system to help with the VWA raid happening. Of course, the madman followed and proclaimed that the DSE fools were right and that he was an agent for Rheinland. He apparently had seen the Liberty Fleet for himself. We disregarded him as mad and we left him. He cursed us with being fired by the Direktor because we didn't listen.