COMM ID:Junior Lieutenant Sebastian Morgan TARGET ID: Recruit Natalia Wolfer SUBJECT:Strikecraft Use ENCRYPTION:Low PRIORITY:Moderate
Recruit Wolfer,
First up, welcome to the Fleet. Didn't see you come through the store here, so I don't believe we've met. I've just received word that you're planning to keep on using that Wraith you bought with you from Rheinland.
I haven't heard any word from up top yet, so I've got no issue with that, if you're happy to put up with the sort of attention it'll get you. You'll still have to do your training time in the Exec' just like everyone else at RTS. After that, if you want to keep on flying the Wraith, that's your business.
We don't exactly have a surplus of Wraiths out here, so any replacement parts you need, you'll have to source yourself.
Sebastian Morgan
Junior Lieutenant
Logistics Officer
12th Recruit Training School
Primary Fleet
Liberty Navy
Important:This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
You are right we have not yet met in person but I am looking forward to that moment. I do apologize though, I have had some ship malfunctioning and I was stuck on Detroit with a group of engineers working out some issues.
You are correct, I intend on keeping my Wraith and fly it under the banners of the navy, the ship is fully operational except the current engine status, I am working on that and I believe I have found a solution.
I have not communicated the situation yet with high command, I have received a temporarily use of the vessel but I do intend to do anything I can to maintain my ship's functionality. The ship has been with me for a fairly long time, it is a possession I care about.
I did not intend to skip the training time using the Executioner, in fact my first day was quite gut, a lovely victory for the navy. I have enjoyed the ship's capabilities although I am not yet used to the cockpit's lighting, something to be configured one day.
I understand that the repair parts for the ship will be something difficult to acquire but I am sure I can find ways for it.
We shall meet in space, herr Morgan.
Auf wiedersehen.
COMM ID:Junior Lieutenant Sebastian Morgan TARGET ID: Recruit Natalia Wolfer SUBJECT:Strikecraft Use ENCRYPTION:Low PRIORITY:Moderate
Recruit Wolfer,
No problems. As long as we all know where we stand. I'm certain you can imagine that Wraith caused a bit of a stir among the instructors and, as much as I'd like to see them try and train you on it, that's not what I'm paid to do.
Best of luck out there, Wolfer.
Sebastian Morgan
Junior Lieutenant
Logistics Officer
12th Recruit Training School
Primary Fleet
Liberty Navy
Important:This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
I understand that there will be some difficulties during the training sessions however everything can be adjusted, I am sure I can share some of my knowledge from the military tactics improving some your own teachings.
Until next time, auf wiedersehen.