"Clever the man comes then vanishes with just some words. You know what's already going on David...you both should.....And this will only end with the death of one of us..."
She points across the open field to the screen
"David...all things that stand will fall...you will understand this soon enough...one of us will stand...one will fall...the screams will fill the open space in between us when its over with..."
Looking back at the screen she paused
"And don't make me hunt you down like I did with your...girlfriend is it? The results won't be as friendly as this message...And the results will be much, much worse..."
Incoming Transmission..
ID: David Avant
Subject: Oh you didn't
Well well. If it's not that pesky flea I've been hearing about. If you're talking to me, you must have a death wish. I've been known to kill people that decide to cross me, but going anywhere near my girlfriend. Does get you dead.
He sighs
I'm considering simply ignoring this transmission but since you obviously want my attention. Well good job, you got it. Now comes the time you regret it, since the next time you see me, will be the time the lights go out for the last time. Get out of Bretonia while you still can, or I could show you out, in pieces. Completely your choice.
The latter, take my word for it. Will be slow and painful. This conversation is over.
"Let me tell you an old phrase I heard....Mess with the viper...and you get the fangs...this is want I was looking for...and if you still make me look for your -david-...then I will look for her as well...don't make this any more harder then it has to be...because believe me...if I do find her...I won't be so forgive as I am to you right now..."
She grins and turns away from the comm's link, spinning a doubled sided spear in her hand as she walks away
"You'll know where to find me soon David...that is..if you didn't flee already."