I think it would be interesting to be able to purchase different engines.
Each engine would have a different visual effect that goes in hand with the bonuses and penaltys that it offers, allowing players to quickly determine what type they are using.
Engine types could include.
Standard engine: A well balanced engine, normal speed, and normal strafing.
Thruster engine: An engine with a slow speed but thrusting that is equally as fast as its forward movement
Sprinter engine: An engine type with poor thrusting but rather high forward speed
Capital engine: An engine mainly suited for capital ships, it has very little thrusting at all, poor charge time for cruise engines, but a very high standard speed
Cruise burst engine: this engine has rather low speed and thrust, but has a VERY quick charge time for quick escapes.
all pre-mounted parts must not be altered - and engines are ... in disco ... premounted when you purchase a ship. ( they have no equipment slot that is visible [ they do have, but its not accessable ] )
furthermore, the idea - while being good, can be hard to balance, as you balance the engines, but you don t know what effect it has upon the ships that come with their own "mass" and effect from turn rates, strafing etc. - meaing they are affected differently to the same force that moves the ship.
On top of that the game makes no difference whether it's a capital ship engine or not, they come in package with the ship hull. Purchasable makes them free-for-all. Fixing that could be done either via cargo mass or by making separate hardpoint names. First barely possible due to many issues arising from such alteration, second one is not possible without complete player wipe and alteration of all ships.
its Microsoft they are a bunch of tight asses that can't even make a decent operating system.
Google should make their own operating system, make it fully compatible with windows programs. I'd switch no matter how much they charged cause Google is da bomb.