Pavel, admitt it to yourself and find help.
You are addicted to moving threads to proper subforums!
You need rehab!
Please, do it for us, we don´t want to lose you... but also want to stop searching moved threads over and over again
PSA: If you have been having stutter/FPS lag on Disco where it does not run as smoothly as other games, please look at the fix here:
I understand there's a lot of "wtf, moving threads is so often nowadays." Thing is, I don't move those all threads because I want to, but because people make a lot of threads in entirely wrong places. Asking e.g. where to buy some ship in mod balance discussion, or what loadout is the best posted in flood.
Sometimes thread fits into more than one subforum. Discussed issues may be about our server (Discovery RP 24/7 General Discussions), but also related to mod in general (Discovery Mod General Discussion), about game mechanics (Discovery Mod Balance), about rules which our server has (Discovery RP 24/7 Rules)...There are many possibilities, including that one direction of the discussion and raised issues change. Forums are living, constantly changing place, people with their opinions and posts influence threads, their directions and issues all the time. Moving threads in these circumstances is something normal and should be expected.
"inb4 Pavel" is tied to the fact I'm doing the vast majority of moving. Again, not because those threads didn't have to be moved until I started doing that, but because earlier mods neglected that duty.
As for Spazzy's accusation that I don't move those threads, in fact I do. I'm doing it also the way which wasn't used by the moderators earlier, leaving redirection for some time. It's very helpful and cool option available for mods, but sadly unused.
(01-10-2014, 06:46 AM)Kazinsal Wrote: (...)
Quote:I swear this just makes more mess, since the thread is still exactly where you moved it from, and is now also somewhere else also. you just copy the thread twice into 2 sub forums.
The original becomes a redirect to the old one so people who go looking for their thread and can't find it don't go "OMG Y U REMOVE THRED U <creative profanities possibly crossing language and cultural barriers>".
(01-10-2014, 12:02 PM)Pavel Wrote: Just to add to Kazinsal's explanation, redirections expire after 2 days, that's the time I set for them. Should be enough for all interested to find redirection to the thread's new place.
In general, I'm just doing my mod job, keep forums organised, clean place. If you whenever need something from a moderator guys, just PM me on skype and I'll answer you as soon as possible.