In this thread I would like to create a roster of everyone who is currently a Zoner, in a clan or not. This way other Zoners (and anyone else who may want to) can contact one another in the game. I am putting down my ships and what my characters primarily do, but just a name will suffice.
Tangelo - Tangelo is a trade vessel that operates in house controlled, faction controlled, pirate controlled and border world space. Tangelo works for the general wealth of the Zoners, Supplying pirate colonies and border world colonies with basic needs that house factions are unwilling to supply.
_Excelsior_ (Tangelo's Wingman) - _Excelsior_ is a trade vessel that operates alongside of Tangelo in both House and Outer space.
The_Mike (Pending name change to Gran_Canaria) - The_Mike is a Zoner destroyer that operates in all parts of space. The_Mike helps insure balance among the factions of Sirius by aiding all factions and keeping the peace in heavily populated systems both House and independently owned. The_Mike also operates with The Order in the protection of the Human/Nomad borders. The_Mike's Primary mission is space exploration, first contact with alien races and the advancement of Humanity as a whole.
The_Flying_Dutchman (The_Mike's Wingman)- The_Flying_Dutchman is a Zoner bomber that works along side of The_Mike as both fire support and a scout. The_Flying_Dutchman is used to make contact with both aliens and factions that would otherwise be intimidated by the presence of a destroyer.
(Tangelo and The_Mike are my ships, _Excelsior_ and The_Flying_Dutchman are my roommate's ships.)