I was looking the thread idea of mine. Its unnaceptable for me as for most people, but i got some idea on that basis and wanna bring it to this thread.
What you think that POBS get some generic goods in infinite amount to sell regarding their RP affiliation?
For instance daumann base in omega 11 POB should have diamonds on board for all time whoever wanna buy howmuch ?
Zoner instalations should have solar panels for instance as generic commodity.
Thoses prices aboard can be slightly more beneficial 5-10 percent if purchased there instead of npc stations.
Why i propose this? If some faction is active and RP much why dont give it that some generic commodiity usual for that faction can be sold on pobs (out of cargo hold capacity). FActions who have activity doesnt need NPC bases to make impression of visual presence of faction so much.
That can make interactions with pob more frequent.
And one more add. That should be srped and cant be get by any base but those who conduct trade and work as hubs or part of big factions.
Several cases
Falster station has rafined cobalt for sale at all time as IMG refine it from omega 3 comet. That would be generic commodity by lore.
King cross station has rafined gold for sale as they are long standing partner with BMM in RP. This is generic commodity got by contract with other party.
or Oceana shipping platform is transit base like narita outpost or osaka storage facility. IT can have variety of generci comodities for sale if thez make rp agreementas with companies who produce those items.
Freeport have biodomes and can have solar panels by lore for instance (or maybe food but that will mean freeport doesnt need food to supply, which can be interesting difference too if not op)