There is a server that doesn't seem to be affected by this. I won't name which one, but I PM'd their ADMIN with the following message.
KellyR Wrote:Hi.
I am the admin of Discovery Free Play 24/7 Non-RP and along with most of the other servers it seems like we're going down quite a bit even though the server appears, on the local console, to be up and ready for logins.
However I notice that this one has no down time at all according to Can you shed any light on what the rest of us might be doing wrong? or haven't done?
Here s the reply I received.
Unnamed ADMIN Wrote:Hi Kelly, not off the top of my head. Are you servers showing up in the server listing in the Freelancer client? In the past there's been several people who seem to enjoy attacking the Discovery servers and knocking them offline. They normally do that by sending a malformed connection request repeatedly, basically flooding the server. No one ever plays on my server (other than my son usually), so we probably just haven't made it on the radar of whoever is having fun trying to knock the other servers offline.
There used to be a DDOS dll that used to be optional to load that helped on some basic attacks, but I'm pretty sure Canon added that code into the discovery package directly.
For fun, I'd load a UDP port watcher on your server's freelancer port, and bind it to port 2302. You might find that port getting hammered with request from the same IP.
To be honest, I don't have a great idea, but that's probably where I would start, if I was having issues with my port showing up, and nothing else had changed recently.
I checked my personal traffic logs, as well as verified with my ISP (helps to have a business connection), and at the time of the outage my server wasn't being hit by any malicious traffic... Not sure if the rest of you can check/validate that.
Whatever it is I am sure that our awesome Disco team will figure out a solution and help get all the servers back up. Until then I'll just stare at the walls X-)