I am looking to hire someone to help me friend get back home, or at least close to it. She's recently been released after a, err, minor... situation from Fuchu Prison in the Shikoku System. However, she needs to be closer to Bretonia. Here at Barrier Gate would work splendidly, as I am here and could give her a flight home. She'd just take a shuttle, but the whole, err, Fuchu-related incident has left her without any credits on her, aye?
Anyway, if you could take this lone passenger friend of mine from Fuchu to Barrier Gate, I'm willing to forward you a cool 10,000,000 credits and no mention that we ever met, if you'd like. Or maybe we could be friends, who knows?
This is Cap'n James of the ITS]-CrazyTanker-II, a Stork class transport. Since we are headed up to Shikoku shortly, an extra passenger won't be a problem on the return trip. Our services are at your disposal, just let us know when you would like your friend to be extracted from Kusari space.
Oh...and a few more details on this..."minor situation" would also be helpful - while we realize a certain level of anonymity is key here, you can surely understand that we require a bit more info on whom we are dealing with.
The situation was pretty minor really. There was a slight misunderstanding of her trying to purchase some explosives, which the police said could be used for terrorist acts. She tried to tell them she only planned on blowing up things in Bretonia and not Kusari, but there was some confusion and also maybe a punch thrown. Or a couple.
But she finally sorted things out and is able to come home! Whenever you could help, it would be good, I don't think I have anywhere else to be for a while.
Cap'n James here. We left Fuchu this afternoon, with your friend, and quickly made our way down to Coronado. Arriving without incident, we docked and she thanked us for the transport. It was a pleasure to be of service to you folks, feel free to contact us again at any time if you need something transported.