My name is Cathy, also known as Seraph, and I have an offer for anyone who is interested and has a transport ship for their use. Vigilantes are looking for affiliate transports that are would be able to perform various tasks that require bigger cargo hold, such as collecting contraband that was taken off smugglers and deposit it at nearby lawful base. We naturally will ask you only if you're around, not if you're in some distant region of Sirius minding your own business, obviously.
In return we will provide free escort whenever you would need it and in special cases some monetary rewards.
If you're interested, please answer the transmission with the enclosed form and we will contact you as soon as possible.
Since we have already worked together, I suppose I might give you a hand anytime you would need it. Let me know anytime you need a big hold without any questions asked.
Name:Jilliana Goldin Callsign:5000GT Faction:Ageira Technologies (temporary contract) Ship:Mastodon Liberty Supertransport 5.K.Y.P.3. contact(optional):You have it.
I hope this is the beginning of a wonderful cooperation.