so you Wanna Mine Premium scrap or you just wanna Transport it or would you rather research Hybrid Ships and weapons well then Junkers United is for you. We are a small organization that wishes to research new weapons and ships for the junkers, since our trade routes are getting more dangerous every day with the Gallic forces rolling in and are continued hatred of the hogosho we need faster transports, stronger fighters and better weapons that can make the junker old designs more formidable. and what better way to fund such research then to sell junk...
new recruits may receive a new ship depending on circumstances.
Our Current rules
Follow all Junker ID Rules
Only fight the hogosha/gallic forces if fired upon ( we are geared towards research not military might)
please put 5% of all premium scrap run earnings into Research and development
If you are a Miner the highest ship you can go to is the Gun-Boat(unless given permission for a higher ship-class)
If you are a Freighter then you can only buy yourself up to the salvager any higher and you will need to ask permission
Respect all members
Respect the .:j:. group they are good people
Registration Template:
SkypeRecommended but not needed)
Preferred role(currently only trader/miner are availible):
Bio(not needed but it adds to the rp for the server)