This act formally and officially explains the differences between authorities of Ensigns and other Bretonia Armed Forces Ranks.
An Ensign is a fresh recruit of the Armed Forces primary fleet and is yet to earn trust and get experience. Thus, the authority of an Ensign is significantly lesser that of a Lieutenant, a regular pilot of the Armed Forces primary fleet.
1.1 An Ensign must obey orders of higher ranked primary fleet officers.
1.2 An Ensign may not give orders, but only suggestions, to higher ranked primary fleet officers, except upon agreement.
1.3 An Ensign may uphold the law as any other pilot or captain of the Bretonia Armed Forces.
1.4 An Ensign may patrol, travel and fight alone within borders of territory claimed by the Kingdom of Bretonia, and within its protectorate territory, or further if permitted by the Bretonia Armed Forces High Command.
1.5 An Ensign may command any foreign vessel, according to agreements with the faction or individual(s) that the vessel belongs to, if there are any.
1.6 If an Ensign is the only primary fleet officer present in a fleet including secondary fleet vessels, the Ensign may not be given orders except upon agreement. Suggestions are different from orders, as they do not have to be obeyed.
1.7 An Ensign may order any secondary fleet pilot or captain, but the secondary fleet pilot or captain does not have to obey that order. If the secondary fleet pilot or captain disobeys the order and thus causes unwanted consequence for Her Majesty's Armed Forces, the responsibility falls on the secondary fleet pilot or captain.
If the secondary fleet pilot or captain obeys the order and executes it properly, and thus causes unwanted consequence for Her Majesty's Armed Forces, the responsibility falls on the Ensign.
2.1 Commodores and higher ranked officers of the primary fleet may patrol, travel and fight anywhere, unless that conflicts with the law or agreements made with other factions or individuals, or is disallowed by a higher ranking primary fleet officer or the High Command.
2.2 Lieutenants and higher ranked officers may command any secondary fleet pilot or captain, and lower ranked officer, in absence of higher ranked officers or upon agreement with the present higher ranked officers. Disobeying their orders will result in suitable punishment for the secondary fleet pilot or captain, or lower ranked primary fleet officer.
2.3 Lieutenants and higher ranked officers do not hold responsibility for any unwanted consequences caused by their orders, unless the High Command decides so. Local failures might be part of a global success or a classified plan. Any unwanted consequences, however, may be reported to the High Command.
3.1 A secondary fleet pilot or captain may uphold the law as any other pilot or captain of the Bretonia Armed Forces.
3.2 A secondary fleet pilot or captain may patrol, travel and fight alone within borders of territory claimed by the Kingdom of Bretonia, and within its protectorate territory, or further if permitted by the Bretonia Armed Forces High Command.
3.3 A secondary fleet pilot or captain may command any foreign vessel, according to agreements with the faction or individual(s) that the vessel belongs to, if there are any.
3.4 A secondary fleet pilot or captain must obey orders of any primary fleet officer, except Ensigns.
4.1 The section 6.2 of the Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Law (Ban on Suing the Government and Armed Forces - Under the Articles of War, it is now illegal in Bretonia to file civil or criminal actions against the Armed Forces or the Crown during a time of war. This is to prevent distractions from the war effort. Any such attempt shall incur a hefty fine to the person breaking this law, and be subject to arrest) applies only to the Colonial Court of Bretonia, which is under jurisdiction of the Bretonia Police Authority. Any misconduct of Bretonia Armed Forces primary fleet personnel may be reported to the Bretonia Armed Forces High Command.
4.2 These regulations may be edited or canceled by the Bretonia Armed Forces High Command.
4.3 If any of these regulations conflict with the Bretonian Charter of Interstellar Law, the Charter overrides them.