Identification:Erik Nodtviet Encryption:High Location:Durban Station Subject:Rogue HMS Vessel
Yesterday, during the escort of your convoy, The Core saw a Bretonian Battleship named the HMS-Illustrious operating in Omicron Delta. Lord knows how he got there, however one can assume he jumped there via his jump drive.
We were not consulted about whether this ship is allowed to operate within the Omicrons or not, I doubt you knew that this ship was conducting business there. Therefore, we can assume it is a rogue Bretonian Capital ship operating in the Omicrons without your permission.
I suggest you contact this individual, deliver whatever necessary punishment, then tell him that he will need both your approval and our approval if he wishes to operate there.
This is not the first time we have seen this vessel. We once saw it before outside of Freeport 11. When we tried to question him, he immediately activated his jump drive and teleported elsewhere. Such behavior is extremely suspicious, and I do wonder what he had in his cargo hold on that day as we were unable to scan him before he jumped.
Quote:[15.10.2014 21:55:16] Core|Barracuda: Hold!
[15.10.2014 21:55:19] Core|Trident: Hold it!
[15.10.2014 21:55:25] HMS-Illustrious: wow
[15.10.2014 21:55:28] Core|Trident: What are you doing in the Omicrons, captain?
[15.10.2014 21:55:29] HMS-Illustrious: hold your horses
[15.10.2014 21:55:30] BHC-Numidia: The voice: You seem to be a bit far from your authorized limits.
[15.10.2014 21:55:35] Core|Trident: we will be there very quickly
[15.10.2014 21:55:42] HMS-Illustrious: I am here to assist the BAF
[15.10.2014 21:55:50] Core|Trident: You are here to assist the BAF?
[15.10.2014 21:55:54] HMS-Illustrious: I thought there might be hostiles closing in
[15.10.2014 21:55:55] Core|Barracuda: No you are not
[15.10.2014 21:55:56] Core|Trident: We had no news of such
[15.10.2014 21:56:03] 2014-10-15 20:57:11 SMT Traffic control alert: HMS-Illustrious has requested to dock
[15.10.2014 21:56:06] BHC-Numidia: The voice: I think we should wait for the BAF and ask them.
[15.10.2014 21:56:10] Core|Trident: Lets go to Rho
[15.10.2014 21:56:13] Core|Barracuda: Make sure BAF know of this
[15.10.2014 21:56:18] Core|Barracuda: They have a renegade pilot
[15.10.2014 21:56:41] Core|Trident: Head to Rho, gentlemen
[15.10.2014 21:56:56] BHC-Numidia: The voice: Shall we wait for the BAF, or head to Rho at this moment?
[15.10.2014 21:56:56] HMS-Illustrious: just because you heard nothing does not mean things could get nasty
Identification:Erik Nodtviet Encryption:High Location:Durban Station Subject:Rogue HMS Vessel
This time I was patrolling Omega-9 to investigate the Zoner installations in the region, when I came across this individual again who had suddenly appeared next to me without any warning. I began to interrogate him as to why he was in Omicron Delta the other day. He refused to answer, and then threatened me, where his threat was later met with him shooting at my vessel.
This individual seems highly dangerous, I suggest appropriate measures are taken to deal with him before he causes more harm to us, more harm to you, more harm to the Zoners in the vicinity as well as himself.
Also, is there any reason why his vessel is operating in both Omicron Delta and Omega-9?
Quote:[18.10.2014 20:18:39] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: Oh, it's you
[18.10.2014 20:19:13] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: Perhaps you can tell me why you were in Omicron Delta the other day?
[18.10.2014 20:20:17] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: Hello?
[18.10.2014 20:20:52] HMS-Illustrious: Classified
[18.10.2014 20:20:54] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: I'm waiting for an answer
[18.10.2014 20:20:58] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: It's not classified
[18.10.2014 20:21:02] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: Nothing is classified to me
[18.10.2014 20:21:08] HMS-Illustrious: now remove yourself from my presence
[18.10.2014 20:21:14] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: You do not call the shots here
[18.10.2014 20:21:15] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: I do
[18.10.2014 20:21:20] HMS-Illustrious: hahah
[18.10.2014 20:21:24] HMS-Illustrious: little man run along now
[18.10.2014 20:21:32] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: It is unwise for you to make jokes here
[18.10.2014 20:21:41] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: Especially in the presence of someone such as I
[18.10.2014 20:21:53] HMS-Illustrious: you have 10 secs to vacate the area
[18.10.2014 20:22:02] HMS-Illustrious: this si the only warning I will give you
[18.10.2014 20:22:05] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: What are you going to do if I don't leave within 10 seconds?
[18.10.2014 20:22:11] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: You're making a terrible mistake by threatening me
[18.10.2014 20:22:49] HMS-Illustrious: I will pop you what do you think I would do
[18.10.2014 20:22:55] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: Oh really now?
[18.10.2014 20:22:57] HMS-Illustrious: now run along there be pirates to hunt
[18.10.2014 20:23:34] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: I expect answers
[18.10.2014 20:23:48] HMS-Illustrious: speak to cerberus
[18.10.2014 20:23:57] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: Who?
[18.10.2014 20:24:03] HMS-Illustrious: cerberus
[18.10.2014 20:24:16] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: And that is?
[18.10.2014 20:25:08] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: Hmpf (at this point he had opened fire on me)
[18.10.2014 20:25:12] Core|CCS-Mixcoatl: Very well
This is troubling. I don't like seeing Capital class vessels in the Omicrons without good reason, and especially not ones arguing with people we consider friends here in Bretonia.
I will speak with the Captain. Please try to remain calm with him until I tell you otherwise, and try to get him to return home at your earliest convenience if the Illustrious is found in Omicron space again. I'd rather not lose a capital vessel, so please make forced removal a last resort. If he fails to comply however, you of course have every right to act as you deem fit. I won't tell you how to run your space, just as I expect you not to with mine.
I hope this helps Guildmaster. I'll do what I can on my end, but that's all I can give you right now I'm afraid.
In the name of Her Majesty the Queen and her people in the Realm of Bretonia,
Fleet Admiral Michelle O'Brian, Commander of Her Majesty's Armed Forces
Bretonian Armed Forces