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-----Kusari Trade Association Official Channel-----
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Formal objection against recent actions of the Kusari Naval Fleet
Complainant: Kusari Trade Association
Defendant: Kusari Naval Forces
Our honors.
We believe that hostile actions in Kyushu System against Nebula Complex made by KNF were contra legem, thus should be treated as serious violation of Kusari Law Code and act of piracy, acording to the points 2-2, 2-3 and 2-5 and also charged with wrong interpretation lex specialis of the points 8.4 and 8.9, which lead to the destruction of the Nebula Complex. Every KNF and KP vessel violating the law has been snapshoted and were to be reported, but evidence has been destroyed or corrupted - we still posses some pre-siege snapshots of the vessels.
KNF and KP enforced the law that does not exist, ending in the siege maintained by KNF and two foreign militaries - Gallic Royal Navy and Rheinland Military. We find that matter very questionable, because I believe the invitation of the such was not concluded with the parliment. The siege ended up with base termination. Moreover, point 8.9 is describing the supplying vessels only, not the base itself.
Moreover, there is no law in Kusari Law Codex, in which base concluding illegal activities must be terminated - as mentioned, point 8.9 is speaking only about the vessels, not the base itself. Also, going to the point 8.4, there is no word about actual base destruction. As far as we know, the fines, the seizuring and similiar actions did not take place, leading into direct revoking of base status and base termination - also not described in the Document.
Only short quarantine did take place, but, as we wrote, quarantine was the actual preparation to the siege on neutral back then base. When the intentions of the KNF became clear, owner of the base tried to defend himself in case of open and not sanctioned by Parliment, if we follow Kusari Law Codex to the letter, hostile actions of Kusari Naval Fleet.
In short, the KNF had no right to assault the station, as they failed in consulting the government (that is Kusari Parliment) first, because law as described in the Code has too many holes and backdoors - what we believe both Nebula Complex owner and KNF overused. The KNF also failed to consult the actual invitation of the foreign heavy fleets with The Parliment - thus not having locus regit actum. Additionally, even if the law has been changed during the quarantine, base would not fall under new law stated in the modified Section 8, as we all know that ex prospicit non respicit.
Whilst we feel no further reason to involve Kusari Police into whole case again, as both sides apologised for the actions caused by the chaos around the Nebula Complex, we focus here on the doing of KNF, on which we must protest as citizens of Democratic Republic of Kusari. The KNF could have been opinio iuris. But after all, we live in the Republic society, so par super parem non habet potestatem - even if it is KNF officer.
Formal objection against recent actions of the Kusari Naval Fleet,
signed on the: PLANET KYUSHU by:
Jinpachi Saika 甚八雑賀 - CEO of KTA
Yuka Shirokawa 由香城川 - Second in Command
Jinpachi Saika,
The court has received your formal notice of complaint to the incident happening in the Kyushu System, namely "the destruction of the base designated Nebula Complex" and "invitation of Foreign Naval Forces without authority".
The High Court of Kusari is preparing to address this complaint and further more request you gather all evidence to back up your complaint along with any witnesses you need to maintain a strong case against the defendant "Kusari Navy Forces".
It is vital that you understand that this court does not condone nor tolerate frivolous law suites and expects you to be ready to present your case when called upon.
A letter of notice will similarly be sent to the Kusari Navy Forces through the Ministry of Defense to inform them of this complaint and provide them with time to prepare their defense for this case.
Adequate time will be allotted to all parties for a fair trial with the rights of each party preserved.
According to Court procedures only the above complaints may be addressed by this Court during the proceedings, if you have any further complaints to add to the itinerary you have 72 hours to add them or forfeit the right to do so later.
May Justice be served,
Saibancho Kouhei Oshiro, High Court of Kusari
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..............Jinpachi Saika......................
-----Kusari Trade Association Official Channel-----
........Planet New Tokyo comm-link........
We regret to inform you that our bureau in the New Tokyo System has been broken into, searched through and robbed of everything, including the crucial evidence for the case. We do not know who would do that, but blaming anyone on basis of our claims would do more harm than help in the case. We will not withdraw our statement however and we will try to push the came with anything we can obtain in the given 72 hours.
However, if KTA would lack the more proper evidence than witnessess' confession, we would like to propose the KNF to share their combat and faction logs with representatives of the High Court. We do not believe they would have any right to deny to scroll inside their logs, as it would be possible obstruction of justice.