Sender:______Fleet Admiral Desmond Noble Source:______Fort Leniex, Vespucci Encryption:__Very High Priority:____Very High ____ ____ Subject:A request
Hello there,
My name is Desmond Noble. I'm the current Fleet Admiral of Task Force Gladius, of the Hellfire Legion. A lighter, more versatile force than Warhammer, whom I'm sure you're familiar with. So, without wasting any more of your time, I'm here to extend a request for access to your station, Barrow Base, in the Hudson system, so we might station a fighter wing there as added precaution in the southern section of Liberty. They'd be more than willing to assist your pilots should the need arise, and would undertake tasks of their own, such as small-scale strikes in to Texas, and standard patrols in the area. Should you require a detailed list of the personnel we'd like to send, I'd be happy to provide it.
Hellfire Legion in Texas, eh? Yer welcome t'use our bases in Hudson an' Pennsylvania 'course if'n ya usin' 'em to blow up Rheinland and them various pirates an' such. 'M sure ya'll agree that Liberty don't need their border with Rheinland weakened. 'Course this don't apply to self defense.
Sender:______Fleet Admiral Desmond Noble Source:______Fort Leniex, Vespucci Encryption:__Very High Priority:____Very High ____ ____ Subject:A request
Hello again,
First, thank you for the prompt response. I can assure you that we have no intention to allow Rheinland to take Texas and win their little scuffle. Of course, we don't want the Navy to come out of their fight without a bruise, either. Don't worry. As far as we're concerned, losing Texas is a horrible thing. We've got procedures in place on how to deal with them.
A squadron will be dispatched to Barrow immediately.