So I was flying around a system next to Omicrom Theta I think, past Sigma 17 -- and the Cryer researchers were talking about Alien organisms.
So I took a look round and saw some green floating little jelly thingies in space... were those aliens..? should iu have been able to shoot and tractor them in or somehting..?
cos i tried shooting and nothing happened (and no tractor icon either..)
' Wrote:I caught some. If you time it right you can lock onto them and tractor them in--but you have to do it in a split second or you lose the lock.
They are invisible in your hold but can be traded--you just can't "see" them.
Meet me in New York and I'll sell you ten of the bigger ones I got for ten million apiece.
hehee as long as they are the big green ones with chewy bits i will take them
actually i had another question about the camara ship -- some people say it has a cloaking ability.. is this ability still enabled in Discovery..? i think i have to buy a cloaking thingy..?
No Lupusy, you cannot tractor those. You can however loot for alien organisms in Omicron Beta and some other systems I think, by shooting down the little rocks...
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The only problem now is that FLHook's anti-cheat/anti-hack routines have messed up with mining (to prevent making hacked fields that drop credit cards). So some fields produce nothing, while others produce only one unit per rock.
You have to type ***I love you*** in system chat while pointed directly towards one. If you get it right, it will PM you back the same thing and become targetable.