Brothers and sisters of the Red Hessians, to you I send greetings and hopes that our time apart has proved to be as fruitful in growth as the Mollys and our ally the Coalition.
Some time ago as we shared building plans amongst our shipyards for plans of expansion, the Mollys made plans for keels to be laid for two Jormungand warships to be constructed. Word has reached me that the crews training on the Belfast and Dublin have neared the end of their training phase of active engagement under Hessian command against Corsair and Rheinland military both.
I ask that their final training be signed off as complete and the ships dispatched to Dublin at first available opportunity, thereon to be transferred in flag to Molly command in preparation for operations in Dublin, Omega 49 and beyond. We are prepared to take the fight to the Corsairs on a new front and together with the Coalition trap them in Gamma within our pincer and eliminate their growing threat once and for all.
After two years and more of intensive training under heavy combat conditions I am told that the crews are eager to show their worth.
Aine Moore
High Priestess of the Golden Bough
Princess of Dublin