Greetings, Hessian Dudes. Long time no see. How you've been?
In the distant past we had been of good use to each other before I went on vacation. During it, I couldn't keep in touch with you for some reason. which are not really important. My vacation had one positive side, I met some really devoted and insane dudes. You might have heard something of the Inglorious Gangsters, who has been operating only in Liberty so far. But I'm coming back to Rheinland, our activity will increase there once again.
So we will meet each other again. I helped you lots of times. I won't be lying if I say that I decided to help you 'cause of some good reasons.
First off, your technology. I'd be a real lying Gangster if I told you I wouldn't want to get some of your unique toys for me and my Gangsters.
Secondly, we have common enemies. Whole bunch of them.
I've to say, I've always loved collecting Gunboats. So I'd like you guys to give me a Heimdal. I've heard it is very agile and strong, and in my hands it would be even more powerful. I'm planning to mount a billion-worth equipment on it.
I hope I'm not asking too much. Even if you refuse, I'm still offering you our help,whenever it's needed as our developing friendship and who knows, maybe alliance in the future?
Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHB-Gotterdamerung, somewhere in Omega-54 system
Сomm ID: Hauptmann Siegfried Draay
Comrade Tutashkhia!
It's good to hear about you again, especially counting the fact, that you've brought friends with you. You've showed your dedication to the cause of Volksrevolution many times and proved yourself as fearless and capable warrior, therefore I see no reasons why we should deny you a Heimdall. However, I doubt, that your organisation would be able to deliver materials necessary for constrution of said gunboat, so let's make it simple. You'll wire 50 millions of SC to [RHA]RHT-Sleipnir and till the end of the week you'll be able to pickup your brand new Heimdall from Wolfsburg Shipyard in Omega-54 system.
We also welcome your Gangster folks in Rheinland, you'll be cleared to dock on Vogtland and Freital. However, I should remind you, that your... erm... activities shouldn't bother simple citizens of Rheinland. Of course, vile corporations of Kruger, Daumann and Republican aren't "simple citizens". Also, don't interfere with transports carrying Blood Diamonds.
I guess that's all.
Thanks for the potential location of the Heimdal, Siegfried. I do really appreciate your decency. Money has never been a problem for me, neither cared about it much. So here are those 50 Millions.
What's about our activities in Rheinland. I cannot promise much, cuz I don't even know whom you really mean in those "simple citizens". If you mean Hessians, you have nothing to worry about, I've never had any purpose of bothering any of your men. What's about those Blood Diamonds. I gotta say, Diamonds always attracted me, especially when they were bloody. Those who work for Hessians and haul Blood Diamonds won't be touched by us, be sure about it.
Furthermore, if there is anything I can do in return - do tell me.