Comm ID: Premier Ben Warner, People's Republic of the Sirius Coalition
Subject: A request "Privyet my friends, I hope this message finds you in good health and that your struggle to free Rheinland from the tyranny of the Kanzler goes well, The Sirius Coalition as of late has been eyeing a sector of space that was formerly inhabited by a foe of ours, the so-called 'Reapers of Sirius', terrorists who sought to united the Corsair and Outcast peoples together to become an even greater threat to the whole of Sirius in addition to their mission of genocide against the Coalition people.
However most of the Reapers vanished seemingly overnight some time ago and Cayman now finds itself vulnerable. The Coalition considers their former home a vital asset to the expansion of the People's Republic and has taken steps to claim it once a clear path through the Corsair aggressors in Omega-49 has been cleared, the system would provide abundant resources for the Coalition to replenish it's stores and even surplus to trade with our allies. However the people have mandated that in order for this to be a reality it requires the support of our allies in the region, in this case it would be the Republic of Dublin [ The Mollys] (by way of Dublin) and the Red Hessian movement (By way of Omega-47)
The Coalition would ask for your support in our claim upon the Cayman System which may be used to fuel the war effort against both the Corsair Empire and the Houses who continue to oppress Sirians everywhere.
United in Victory" Ben Warner, Premier Sirius Coalition
Коалиции Сириуса
Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHB-Gotterdamerung, somewhere in Omega-54 system
Сomm ID: Brigadegeneral Siegfried Draay
Guten tag, comrade Warner!
One gallic capitalist I've met in Rheinland mentioned an interesting expression - "coup de grace", which means exactly what you propose - finishing off already defeated enemy with one blow. I believe you chose the right time to deliver such "coup".
However, Oberkommando would like to clear 2 things before sending our fleets:
a) How many hessian ships you want to join your operation? And what are classes of those ships?
b) The system of Cayman is interesting one indeed. But wouldn't it be wiser to establish joint protectorate of SCRA, Mollys and Red Hessians over it instead of claiming it for Coalition only? While our people are united by goal, we all have our strong and weak sides, even in making use of system's resourses.
Comm ID: Premier Ben Warner, People's Republic of the Sirius Coalition
Subject: A request "The Cayman Invasion is for the most part a Coalition endeavour, the only thing slowing a full-scale invasion is the Corsair threat which has been quiet as of late in Omega-49. The Coalition intends to capitalize upon this holding action and seize the vital points within the system and fortify it. In the short-term it would be a Revolutionary Alliance joint holding, however at the end of the Corsair War it is to be part of the People's Republic as the Red Hessians will hopefully by than have deposed the corrupt leadership of Rheinland and the Mollys would have freed their home from Bretonian's greedy hands.
We can agree that until the war's end it would be a protectorate under the joint command of our three powers, however before a final claim is staked the Reapers must be exterminated and the Corsair threat must be neutralized in the Omegas and beyond. As for ships, transports and bombers will be required to disable their Battleship, board it and convert it into a forward command post under the Revolutionary Alliance. From there we will be able to spread quickly and take positions throughout the system.
The Red Hessians would be asked alongside the Coalition to provide Fighter and Bomber cover for any transports involved in boarding actions, a Battleship providing heavy combat support would be useful in suppressing resistance from the remaining Reaper Enclave.
We must move fast however, otherwise the window of opportunity will shut close and we will not have another chance like this until the Corsairs have been pushed out of the Omegas.
United in Victory" Ben Warner, Premier Sirius Coalition
Коалиции Сириуса
Transmission established...
Source: [RHA]RHB-Gotterdamerung, somewhere in Omega-54 system
Сomm ID: Brigadegeneral Siegfried Draay
Guten tag, comrade Warner!
The Oberkommando found your answers acceptable.
I'm happy to inform you, that fleet under my personal command including our newest and most powerful battleship Gotterdammerung was dispatched for that operation.
Comm ID: Premier Ben Warner, People's Republic of the Sirius Coalition
Subject: A request "That is excellent news. At present the Coalition is mobilizing it's full strength for the push to Cayman, holding actions in Omega-49 has been ordered for the combat forces holding the Corsairs alongside the Mollys.
The operation will begin once our full strength is prepared and the invasion forces are fully equipped.
United in Victory" Ben Warner, Premier Sirius Coalition
Коалиции Сириуса