' Wrote:So, how about the military is responsible for the big shipments, eg: They scan transports and stuff, while the police worry about the smaller freighters. That way, if there's no LPI on, the way to get your smuggling on is in a freighter. Besides, moving 3500 units of any contraband is just dumb. You deserve to get blasted by a dreadnought for that.
Have you ever even seen anyone moving less that 2000 units of contraband? They all use transports.
Technically a military organization, but (at least from a Discovery point of view) closer to specialized police. They don't use the big ships, and stick around close to home to help civilians and protect against smugglers. If an enemy fleet was invading, the coast guard would not be the first line of defense... And it would be bad news if that fleet got far enough that they were all that was left.
The police intercept the smaller guys, Navy handle big guys. IF you'll notice, defenders patrol most of space that isn't a trade lane. Theres a reason. For the petty lane hacking ships. (lets be reasonable. As a lane hacker,you blast a cargo pod off, get in, and get out, thats the basis of the vanilla fl faction) He jumps in, chases them off, and then leaves. A police's duty in FL is to camp the bases, patrol the lanes, and then eat donuts. The end. The Navy is flying deep patrols, into Zone 21, into the dark matter clouds around Texas, keeping Willard safe. The NAVY is there to stop real security threats, drugs are a civilian issue.
FL is different from RL. Its set in a World War scenario. That simple. And as such your world war class "Police" would carry heavier arms. Light fighters would specialize. Coordinate your logging on, as a faction. One light fighter with shield killers, another with hull blasters. You can run circles around a heavy fighter. And then have bomber wings. Two or three heavily outfitted bombers, because they -are- needed to stop the transports and gunboats.
Lastly, you do want a gunship. Its not a tank. Its a Humvee. And -military- police use humvees. So maybe one gunship for the LPI. BEcause yes, if a big battlestar comes rolling in? You're running like hell, thats the navy's problem.
Navy should ignore small pirates and smalltime smugglers. Its a waste of resources to chase them, when they're going to get picked up..
Smalltime pirates and crooks -should- fly lightfighters and the smaller freighters, give the police faction and the real Liberty Rogues some FUN RP.
Because honestly? "Bloodhounds between Fort Bush and Pittsburg!" would NOT get the Navy going in. It would get three overweight and pissed off policemen going that way.
Curiously enough, Liberty Police is NOT a state service. Its a corporation. AKA, they can build what they need. But...A curious idea strikes.
PErhaps the LSF and the LPI work together? The LSF has the bombers and the gunships, and the LPI has the light fighters with specialized loadouts. Coordinated logon times and voila, an actual RP unit.
The Navy will be your Executioners and Guardians, destroying any capital menaces or other house threats. Also, they -would- intercept transports. (Anything with 3500 cargo or more is big, which is the equivalent of a small frigate trying to get through a blockade. It'd get shot down.)
Out of all that brainstorming, I come upon one main point. Inter-cooperation. The Liberty Navy must not rule the iron fist of all military might on every ship, the LPI must not run fearlesly into battle with a battlestar and expect to win. And the LSF must be the backup for when things go ugly.
In Freelancer, the Liberty Security Force is your SWAT team.
LSF is there for intelligence gathering, spec ops, undercover... and assisting other lawfuls when required. FBI is crime investigaation unit. FBI would be like LPI detectives; bigger responsabilities, bigger capabilities.