boards Shinkaku station, leaving his trusty "Scrambler" - a BK-65 "Serenity" class transport that has "shady" written all over it - behind.
Exhausted he looks around for directions to a place where he can wind down.
When he fails to find any he decides on walking up to the nearest worker in the hangar.
Yo, red Jacket! Where's the next place around here a man can get something strong to drink?
The worker, who is obviously caught off guard by the man shouting at him from behind spins around.
Oh, I didn't notice you already un-boarded your ship, sir.
The worker answers, still a little unsure if the newcomer means any harm or not.
Unfortunately our main bar, the MTaSB is located at the opposite side of the faction. You could get something to drink there, but it would take you about half an hour to get there.
Mick seems disgruntled at the answer and angriely lights a cigarette, before the worker can stop him
So you said main bar. Does that mean there are others?
The worker looks off to the side, either thinking about if he should- or shouldn't help the rude, middle aged man or just to choose his words carefuly.
Well there is one more, which is actually not too far from here. I don't know if it is currently open. To be honest I don't even know if it still exists since I haven't been down there for quite a while...
Mick rubs his temples in a mixture of the hangover he awoke to a few hours ago and the fact that he might not get something to drink.
Ah, hell. I'm gonna risk it. Where is that hole? Sounds like the type of place I'd prefer anyway.
While being given directions by the worker, Mick obviously has to concentrate hard no to miss parts of the rather convoluted route he'd have to take.
Well thanks, pal.
With those words he wanders off into a dimly lit corridor off to the side while the worker looks after him and shakes his head slightly.