Cyruss heard the boom of thrusters firing as the inspection pod flew from its launch tube at Baltimore Shipyard.
Baltimore, not Norfolk, as Norfolk had two battleships in its slips, and wouldn't have an open slip for a while.
"This is LPI Sergent Myers. Ey you. Pod thingymabober. Yer cleared to fly around an' stuff." Cyruss sighed. He always was annoyed at the LPI's accent. If they were at Norfolk, they wouldn't have to deal with this "Myers" donut muncher...
"Idiot LPI..." muttered the man in the pods pilot seat. "Well, Quinn, the donuts transform LPI brain fat into body fat. Its the formula: B+D=B-B=F+F." said Cyruss turning to Quinn. Suddenly, Myers came back on. "Wait a minute! Who are you peoples?"
Cyruss, shook his head. The LPI was apparently too preoccupied with donuts to read his sensor screen. "Com-Captain Cyruss Wayne and Lieutenant Quinn Calhoun. Now go eat your donuts." Cyruss said into the com system, then cut the channel. He was about to call himself Commander again, he had only been a Captain for three weeks. Suddenly, Quinn interrupted his thoughts.
"Aye. There she is!" he said, gesturing at the pod's window.
What he pointed to was a skeleton of steel, vaguely resembling a gunboat. Some of the the inner bulkheads were installed, and the flashes of welding torches could be seen throughout it. A piece of the hull, already welded on, read: LNS Sacra LNC-739 Even though only part of the name was visible, he knew what it would read when it was done. LNS Sacramento LNC-73990.
Pulling alongside what would become C-Deck, Quinn cut the engines and the pod stopped in space, then picked his EV suit helmet off the floor of the pod. The ship didn't even have life support installed yet, so they had to wear EV suits. Attaching his helmet, Cyruss said, "Wish these Baltimore guys would hurry up and finish the life support, I hate EV suits."
Strapping on his maneuvering pack, Quinn responded, "Well, do you want to wait a year 'fore you can see her?"
They walked through the forcefield into space, then fired there MP's, magnetic boots locking onto the deck. Two welders, seeing there rank insignia, saluted. Cyruss saluted back to them. "Captain, Commander, I didn't know you were here." said a voice behind them.
"Commander Driam, Doctor Hoorn, there you are. How are you?"
"Fine Sir." she quickly said.
"At ease Commander, and tell everyone to stop saluting me. You mind if i just call you by your first names?"
Cyruss said. Driam, obviously surprised at the captains lack of formality, said to him, "Um, no sir, it's alright."
"Good." Cyruss said, "Hows the construction coming along Chayana?" "Well," she said, "We're about to install the main port plasma conduit...."
' Wrote:This thread is so stupid that a bird sitting on a nearby tree just EXPLODED.
"They sure put this thing together fast." thought Cyruss as he sat on the bridge of the now-completed Sacramento. The ship was going to launch in less than an hour, and he was eager to set off. Outside the view ports he could see a Liberty Cruiser, Niagara class if he remembered correctly. Beside them was another gunboat, the LNS Columbia which was also about to launch.
"All of the crew are on board, we're about to start the reactor." said Chayana at a console on the other side of the bridge. "Alright, Bridge to Engineering, Quinn, start it up." said Cyruss into the intercomm. Minutes later, the deckplates started vibrating slightly, and a low humming could be heard through the ship, meaning the reactor was running.
"Alright, were about to start up the engines, tell Baltimore we're ready to launch." said Quinn in engineering. Cyruss motioned to the comm officer, who contacted Baltimore and told them to detract the mooring lines. "This is Baltimore shipyard, retracting mooring lines Sacramento, you are cleared to launch." The deckplates vibrated louder, and the panel in front of him showed the engines were activated.
"Alright, Sublieutenant Robertson, take us out, then enter formation with the Intrepid." The ship moved out of dock towards the cruiser Intrepid and the Columbia, then entered formation.
The life of the Sac had begun.
' Wrote:This thread is so stupid that a bird sitting on a nearby tree just EXPLODED.