Message From:Universal Shipping Inc. Chief Logistics Officer Frank Tanner
Good day civilians of Sirius my name is Frank Tanner the Chief Logistics Officer for Universal Shipping Inc. I am reaching out to you today to inform you that due to the high retirement
rate of our employees USI is currently in great need of new employee's. As an incentive to drive employment we at USI are offering a 10 million credit sign on bonus once you are hired
with the company. I would also like to announce a new program that has been developed to benefit our employee's. As of today employee's will receive 10 million credits if they
complete a task that is assigned. The task is if you complete 5 USI developed routes and show proof of the product being sold for all routes the bonus will be applied. Further tasks are
being developed in our Department of Trade and Logistics Department. If you have any question's please contact me directly. Here is a link to our online application USI Recruitment Thank you for your time.