I have very interesting arrangements. Have you heard of growing organs in animals? It has been studied that Gaian Wildlifes are the best species for human organ donors on and the QQ will pay very handsomely for this. If you take this into consideration. Feel free to contact me.
Lincoln appeared on screen looking smart as ever. “I’m not surprised to see a message of this caliber on my desk but I am surprised to see one come from a reputable company such as Cryer Pharmaceuticals Mr. Clamor.”
Lincoln pauses for a second. “Mr. Clamor I must admit that Gaian wildlife is such a varied term with some many variants of animals coming under the banner. I’m sure you would know that large field beasts are so very different from the smallest ones so docile and cute that they are ideal for domesticating into exotic companion pets.”
Lincoln flicked a glance around his office as a noise drew his attention. Forgetting the noise he returned to his message. “If the populous was to hear we were farming out companion pets for human organ growth experiments our company would be publicly decried and our lines of income would become extinct instantaneously. Wouldn’t you agree?”
Lincoln paused again for a second before continuing leaving the last question in a rhetorical state. “But I’m not just anyone from the populous and I, like yourself, can see grand profits for us both. While I am categorically ruling out the use of the companion pet wildlife I can see opportunities with the rest but we will need details.
So Mr. Clamor I need you to send complete details of your plans to myself and I will assess it and then put it to the board. Understood?”
With that Lincoln went quiet, his steely look staying on as the screen fades.
Well, we have develop a growth serum that should be extremely potent. So, once we have a sample of about 10 Gaian wildlife. If you can get so with great discreet. We should be able to reproduce more of them and begin the organ growth progress... if we get them without the notice of the public. Remember, this doesn't leave this channel.
1) The genetics will begin to deteriorate and be said "moldable". The ability to have this "moldable" allows us to manipulate its DNA to have similar human structure and ironically, Gaian Wildlife are one of the closest genetic structure relating to fellow man, so they are easier and quicker to manipulate.
2) After the altercation has occurred, the animal will mature far quicker and have organs assigned for humans in 2 weeks minimum; we'll then have the animals mate with each other producing more wildlife.
3) Gather their organs since the growth serum accelerates the aging process heavily thus giving them a "peaceful" death after the full mature stage never realising how short their life is.
This is an experiment, of course. We cannot be certain that it will work, but we can be certain that the concept is possible when we did so to the plants, but the plants did not provide enough similar genetic material to modify for alternation.
A woman in her early twenties appeared on screen. Her appearance looked like the female version of Lincoln as she stood in her tight blouse and knee length pencil skirt. Adjusting her glasses she looked to the camera. “Good day Mr. Clamor. I am Ruth Marshall and I am Mr. Caldwell’s personal assistant.
Now I’m sure you’re still awaiting a response from Mr. Caldwell about your..offer…
Well I would like to firstly offer an apology to yourself and your division about this delay but I must implore you to continue your patient wait.”
Ruth pauses for a second. “Mr. Caldwell has been in numerous meetings with his personal advisers to ascertain the appropriateness of your offer and they are currently developing an approach to the rest of the board to reach a profitable outcome in an efficient and effective manner.”
Ruth took a breath. “So Mr. Clamor someone from the board will get back to you in due time. Understood?”
With that she looked into the camera with a slightly seductive look before the camera faded to black and the message cut out.