Quote: Not allowed on Discovery forums or server:
1.1 Use of abusive, vulgar, obscene, political, or racist materials
1.2 Trolling or harassing other members of the community
Your choice of language is way out of bounds. In addition, insulting players on the server based on their home country is not acceptable in any way. You need to spend some time reading the rules and learn to act a little more polite when playing here. We're giving you two weeks off the server to do that. In addition, if there is any repeat of this behavior when you come back, you can expect to be off the server a lot longer than two weeks.
After your latest escapade you will find your Ban has now been extended to 4 weeks starting from today's date.
Please post in this Thread when your time is up.
'I would like to be half as clever as some people like to believe they are' Life is full of disappointments, it is how we handle them that helps to define us, as a person