To: Her Majesty Queen Carina and the Bretonian Admiralty
The Wanderers follow the laws of every system where we enter.
Today one of yours ships attack Deep Space XIII without provocation in New Tokyo system (class Spatial, cargo none) when he was returning to Freeport 2 in Bering system.
The behavior of BAF|Queens Ransom attacking a neutral zoner vessel (with the appropiate ID and IFF) its something incomprehensible and senseless. He shoot our vessel before give a warning, after the pilot was identified himself (in Kyushu system, beyond radar), he was accused of spy (without a clue, a probative element or similar), he couldnt distinguish between nomad technology and marsflyer technology and without break any of your laws (they were in Kusari space).
Im talking not like Zoner Council Delegate, Im talking like diplomat of the Wanderers. That ship will be considered a pirate one and their crew accused of attempted murder.
This situation will be critical if yours ship continue with this behavior, we believe in the justice and that you will take the appropriate measures for no repeat it in a future and the crew be punished by the laws of Bretonia.
Sincerely yours,
Mannock Benitez
P.D.: We have no interest in your war, if you win or lose that is not ours bussines. Our concern is the damage may suffer trade in Sirius, and it's enough to keep the pirates away for not being able to rely on the police and navy of the houses.
Tell me there, son, does it hurt when you lean towards Kusari when you've a fence-post so far up your so-called 'neutral' backside?
Let this be known... if you are in Kusari, I don't care what your identification reads, you are not neutral. If you aren't opposing the Imperial Kusari regime, then you are aiding them by proxy. If you want to be considered neutral, stay on your Freeports and out of House space. Claiming to be a Zoner will only find you being labelled a sympathiser when you dock on their bases, Mister Benitez.
Getting fuel for your vessel on their bases, trading with them, giving them your credits helps their blasted economy. When their economy does well, their navy grows...
When their navy grows, my countrymen, my friends and my family die. I won't have this. Their trade will be destroyed, or it will pay us taxes for the pleasure of existing.
So, treat myself and my licensed Privateers as pirates, I care not, for we shall treat you as an aider and abetter of our most vile foe that seeks to annex our home. You hypocrite bastards shelter Corsairs on your Freeports anyway, so don't give me your hippy moralisation.
Now, I've an economy collapse and a war to win. I'm not wasting any more time with you when my boys and girls are dying to save their homeland.
-Sir Andrew Stuart, BAF Admiral, aboard the Queen's Ransom
First, Andrew you are not my father and we have not any type of family relationship (and that is something very lucky for me, because I would no have to kill you and leave my pacifism), then your paternalism is superfluous.
Second, your position is very clear: if you are not enemy of my enemy, you are my enemy. I respect for people of clear ideas but are so short of mind.
Third, you should declare total war if you want to continue attacking neutral ships. In this way the rest of the galaxy know to stick with you.
Fourth, your words are a declaration of guilt and understand that your government does not tried for your war crimes. In that case you have a debt of 20 million with us or an apology issued by your indiscriminate attack and 5 mill.
Fifth, I hope that your cowards attacks are when you are reading in scanners KNF signatures. Though, if the fear to act if they are present is superior to your courage when attacked in absolute superiority, we would understand perfectly.
Sixth, I hope that in a future you and your people dont use words like "see post 108 of Bretonian armed forces in message dumps" and similars when you talk about the zoners.
I hope not to see you again and, please, dont try to talk with me untill you learnt to treat other people.
' Wrote:From: Captain Mannock Benitez from Nostromo
To: Mr. Stuart
First, Andrew you are not my father and we have not any type of family relationship (and that is something very lucky for me, because I would no have to kill you and leave my pacifism), then your paternalism is superfluous.
Second, your position is very clear: if you are not enemy of my enemy, you are my enemy. I respect for people of clear ideas but are so short of mind.
Third, you should declare total war if you want to continue attacking neutral ships. In this way the rest of the galaxy know to stick with you.
Fourth, your words are a declaration of guilt and understand that your government does not tried for your war crimes. In that case you have a debt of 20 million with us or an apology issued by your indiscriminate attack and 5 mill.
Fifth, I hope that your cowards attacks are when you are reading in scanners KNF signatures. Though, if the fear to act if they are present is superior to your courage when attacked in absolute superiority, we would understand perfectly.
Sixth, I hope that in a future you and your people dont use words like "see post 108 of Bretonian armed forces in message dumps" and similars when you talk about the zoners.
I hope not to see you again and, please, dont try to talk with me untill you learnt to treat other people.
Captain Benitez out
Learn how to treat other people, sonny-jim-lad-son? People like you cause my kith and kin to die! I'm so very sorry, but treating ignorant whiners like yourself with respect is an utter dishonour to our fallen heroes on the Leeds front.
Stay the hell out of Kusari and I shant have to put my legally recognised Letter of Marque and Reprisal to use on your yellow backside. Again. Now, for an explanation, since apparently you deserve one...
Here's how war economics work: You trade in Bretonia, you're on our side, helping our wartime economy. You trade in Kusari, you're on their side, helping theirs. Only by staying the hell out of Kusari will you be considered anything other than a legally viable target for my Q-Ships and commerce raiders.
If you want your fence-sitting Zoner neutrality to be treated as so, stay in Zoner space, kiddo. Otherwise, you'll be finding war taxes levied, and antimatter primed.
And hell, acquiescing to demands from Privateers instead of petulant whinging about one's rights is a good way to avoid getting shot.
Now a fighter without cargo is a target for yours pirates (sorry, pirates I dont want to compare with those... people). You can teach them how use theirs scans.
We have nothing in favour of Kusari or Bretonia, we trade in Bretonia like in another Sirius place. If BPA or any bretonian force ask us to stop (bounty included), we stop ours ships (we have nothing to hide).
Yours threats sound like the losing side of the war, if you need something to download your impotence. We believe that you've got so many open fronts where you are losing.