Kusari Naval Forces, Central Command HQ
Rear Admiral Otake Hachiro, Dai Go Kantai (第 五 艦隊 - 5th Fleet Group)
To all units of the Kusari Naval Forces, primary and secondary branches.
While the struggles that occupy our minds still flare in the systems of Kyushu and Nagano, a new situation has emerged on the border of Honshu.
The mysterious destruction of Osaka, and the appearance of new interstellar passages in the sigma sector, some of them linked to our own Honshu system, have caused concern among the circles of the Admiralty.
While the Government has not pronounced itself regarding any of these matters yet, the Admiralty has seen fit to organize a KNF expeditionary force to ascertain the security issues that this new reality might impose on Kusari, as well as to identify and safeguard any future interests of our House in the region.
All pilots currently not pressed with more important assignments are to report to the Honshu system, and contact this channel for further instructions.
A memorial service will be performed by the KNF forces on the site of Osaka, At 1700 hours today.
[//Naval Forces indies are encourage to participate]
Sender ID: Commander Kunio Enomoto, KDS-Kirishima
Receiver ID: KNF 5th Fleet Group command
Location: New Tokyo System
Subject: Expeditionary Force
Encryption: KN-Stdr15.A
Commander Kunio Enomoto, Captain of the KDS-Kirishima
Konnichiwa, Commander Kunio Enomoto here. We have received the summons of the 5th Fleet group, and and making preparations for departure to the Honshu system.
The Kirishima will be on time for the operations on Osaka and following Fleet actions in the Sigma cluster.
Rear Admiral Katsuo Shimoe will be on board of the Kirishima to observe the KNF operations in the meantime.
High Command has been informed Tokkeitai assets will be joining the expeditionary force to assist Naval Forces personnel in performing their duties.
As well as the assets added to Heavy Unit Kirishima personnel roster, I will be joining the expeditionary force to run a survey on the strike force efficiency. I am certain you will all do your best.
Kusari Naval Forces, Central Command HQ
Rear Admiral Otake Hachiro, Dai Go Kantai (第 五 艦隊 - 5th Fleet Group)
You attendance has been noted, and we will take it into consideration.
The memorial service in Osaka has been confirmed, and we would like all to attend to that.
Furthermore, command has settled on mission priorities and objectives, and has passed them to R.Admiral Shimoe. Consult him on sight for further clarification.
The taskforce shall depart to the Sigma cluster at 17:15 (UTC)
[//Naval Forces indies are encourage to participate]