Bretonian Criminal Database Entry Number 3045-784-12-O
Subject: Shamus O'Toole
Age: Nineteen
Eyes: Grey
Hair: Light Brown
Height: Six feet, One inch
Sex: Male
Place of Birth: Unknown
The subject, Shamus O'Toole, hereby referred to as Shamus, was first identified in this database at the age of 16, when he was fingered as being an accomplice to a bank robbery on Planet Leeds. Although there was never enough evidence to convict him, a warrant was relesed for his arrest, to aid in further questioning. Shamus fled the planet, and thereafter it was generally assumed that he was indeed involved.
Shamus next surfaced eight months later, in connection with a Molly smuggling operation running through New London and Dublin. The convoy was hit by a joint Military and Police operation, and although there were several Mollies captured, Shamus and the other suspected ringleaders escaped aboard a 'CSV' class freighter, and disappeared once again into the crimminal underworld.
Over the next two years he was rumoured to be connected with a variety of terrorist organizations, from the relatively non-violent Bretonian Workers Front (BWF) to the dangerous and radical Provisional Molly Republican Army (PMRA). Regardless of who we worked for, Shamus' deeds earned him a bounty of $400, 000 for capture or physical proof of death. After several PMRA stooges turned in gun-camera evidence of Shamus' ship being destroyed, the BPA changed the bounty to "Live capture or dead body only", as the payouts for a "dead' shamus had nearly totalled 3 million.
Within days of the new year of 817 AS, a new campaign of violence exploded from Dublin. Bombs exploded in dozens of public places across the House, and merchant shippiers of all denomenations saw their profits crushed by hordes of PMRA fighters. The shipping tole became so high that insureres began to apply a 200% war premium to any shipping passing through Dublin, New London, or Leeds. Shamus was most recently spotted making his way north, presumably in search of newer and better weaponry for the PMRA.
It is assumed now that Shamus is now a high-ranking member of the PMRA, if not the leader. The BPA has been unable to make its way into this organization in any significant fashion, and are considering calling in the navy to oppose the PMRA in space while the police deal with the situation planetside.
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.
The 'PMRA' was formed in late 813 AS, following a series of violent attacks on Molly holdings in the Dublin system. The Original founder was an ex-miner by the name of Tommy O'Connail, who proposed the following three goals:
1: That through strategic and systematic Violence and Internal Pressure, we shall force the Government of Bretonia into a clear withdrawl from the systems of Dublin and Londonderry, and all territories within, alowing for the creation of a Molly Free State.
2: That the current infestation of the ranks of the Mollies with pirates, addicts, and hangers-on shall be cleansed, and the Molly people made pure again. This shall require an end of any contact with the so-called "Outcast Alliance".
3: That the Molly Free State, once established, shall be governed by democracy and fair treatment to all men, and that the PMRA shall become the protectors of such a state.
It is clear by these ambitious proposals that O'Connail, although perhaps lacking the current means to do so, had a clear and decided plan. For several years, the organization was quiet, being associated with several smuggling runs, and one attack on a police station on Leeds, but with the opening of the year 817 AS, a new and vicious streak reared it's head.
Bombings of Civilians, destruction of Convoys, and general mayhem struck the house. One of it's premier members, one Shamus O'Toole (BCD Entry Number 3045-784-12-O), is reported to either now be leading or at least very high in the command structure. Two deserters from the organization, **** ***** and *** ****** have given us a small glimpse on the organization of the group.
- PMRA Headquarters Brigade: Mobile, believed to be housed in a Container Transport or other large Civilian craft. Composed of approximatly fifty men, including the current leader (Unknown) and his advisors.
-- 33rd Special Brigade, "The Red Shamrocks" - Led by the abovementioned Shamus O'Toole, almost nothing is known is known about this unit, aside from the fact that it is believed to be responsible for most of the terrorist-style activities of the PMRA. Are present both in space and on the ground all over Bretonia. Numbers are unknown, but believed to be operating in small cells of no more than 5.
--- 18th Fighter Squadron, "Eagle's Edge" - A small group of fighter and bomber pilots, believed to be based off another Container Transport. Mostly responsible for destruction of BMM and Planetform convoys to date, as well as the destruction of the BAF Gunboat HMS-Guidon. Leadership and numbers are unknown, but it is estimated that no more than 20 pilots are active at one time.
---- 4rd Fighting Brigade, "The Lucky Leaves" - The regular ground-based infantry of the PMRA, this unit is believed to measure iapproximatly 1.5 thousand. Although split up into 6 'Battalions', these troops are moderatly trained and well motivated, and are believed to be comparable in euqipment to BAF Ground Arm's Light Infantry. The location of these units are largely unknown, although the IV Battalion is believed to have recently returned to Dublin from the Cambridge system.
----- 5th Support Brigade, "Basket Cases" - Although not a fighting unit, and if anything more a part of the Headquarters Brigade than anything, these are the men who ship supplies and arms to the other Brigades, and carry on the illicit trade in weapons that funds the organization. Approximatly 40 small freighters are believed to be operated by this brigade, and it is based in the Londonderry system.
Due to the low-ranking nature of the defectors,
Transmission Inturrupted
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.