Basic Information
ID: Freelancer
IFF: Freelance/None
Tag: S.B.C.|
Goals: To provide fast and accurate news to the civilians of Sirius.
Operation Areas: Anywhere you can get into. Synopsis:
The SBC was made in 818 A.S. to first provide insight and knowledge into the discovery of the state of Gallia, but was quickly pushed aside by the larger House corporations, who were as perplexed as the rest of the Sirius Sector. The founding member, Phillip L. Jackson, set out to find out the truth behind everything. He gathered his credits, bought a wide-band broadcasting system, and left for the story of a lifetime. The Sirius Broadcasting Corporation resides in almost anywhere that can accept a few cameras, but chose New London as a primary HQ. The SBC has sent ships far and wide to find the best stories and the best information for all to know, after all, knowledge is power.
Space-Grade Craft:
While we do not have a strict system for ships, anything 'civilian' will do. A small list of suggestions follow: CLI-11000 "Arrow"
The Arrow is a well known light interceptor known for their speed and agility. They are less known for the fact that they can have their Human occupant replaced with an artificial intelligence that is capable of identifying other vessels and capture video. These are used to capture audio and visual recordings cheaply and without risk to human users.
CTE-6000 "Eagle"
The mainstream fightercraft in all of Sirius will not be ignored for an upcoming news corporation. The Eagle is a solid craft capable of defense and offence from pirates and not-so-kind entities, and can hold a reporter-cameraman pair with all their gear comfortably. These are the craft of choice for reporters who need to report things fast without ending up as debris.
CTE-19000 "Roc"
The 'Roc' bomber, while less preferred to the Eagle, still maintains a reputation as a popular and sturdy attack and defense craft for reporters and broadcasting centers alike. Featuring the additions of two Torpedo-Grade weapon systems, reporters within the Roc can easily go to places they are not as welcome to and get out with the story.
CTE-19000 "Spatial"
Used as a scout for mining convoys, the SBC deploy this craft to explore environmental hazard areas, such as radiation fields and station wrecks. The reinforced structure on the Spatial guarantees its survival as well as the survival of its occupants and equipment. These craft are capable of hosting a news team of five for long deployments such as war reporting and disaster cleanup.
CTE-F-1050-A "Kestrel"
The Krestal is a preferred choice for extended stays in lowly populated systems due to the extended cargo bays and reserve power capacity. The Krestal will fit a news team and transmission equipment easily and is more than capable of defending against the occasional foe or beast. They are usually deployed for inter-house interviews and stories.
Armored Transport "Pelican"
For the absolute safety and security of staff, reporters, patrons, and representatives, there is the Pelican. A low-cost alternative to large and inefficient Liners, the Armored Transport can haul an entire base population in relative ease, as well as an entire news sector. The low cost shows no shortcuts, as it it highly armed and armored, capable of taking a hit as well as giving one in return. Vessels of this size are not commonplace within the Sirius Broadcasting Corporation, but they are worth having when, mass evacuations or emergencies are happening.
CT-53 "Heron"
To serve the logistical need of the SBC, the Heron was added to the ship showcase. Sporting a voluminous cargo bay of 3000 units, the Heron spares no expense for the safety of its goods, and six transport-grade turrets will deter any hostile craft that comes into contact with it. These Herons are sent out to collect supplies to fuel the needs of the SBC when they cannot find it within their own area of effect.
"Corvo" Deep Space Explorer A.K.A. 'In.Amber.Clad'
The flagship of the Sirius Broadcasting Corporation, the 'Amber' as most of the crew designates it, is a small mobile news station that serves as the hub for all other reporters and broadcasters and relays all processed information to the Broadcasting center for transmission through Sirius. While having a small fleet to gather information and reports, the Amber goes out to seek the news as it breaks as well, traveling to the places that the other ships cannot survive in to get the story as it 'rolls off the press.' The Amber is eventually set to be replaced, but no date has been set.
ooRP/OOC Area and Nonsense:
The SBC is the most recent idea of the sick mind that brought you the concept of 'space.' No, not Morgan Freelancer, but I would so be him. Basically, the SBC is trying to give the most truthful and unbiased news available, although it may need to do a slander job or two in order to pay their employees. We are as close to Zoners as one might think, save for the fact that we are not Zoners. We will go anywhere that our ships will be able to get into and get a story from it. After report compiling from all the field reporters, I will bundle the mass into one news post. As a member of the SBC, you are out for a story, not to start a fight. Defend yourself if you must, but don't go attacking some indie because they looked at you funny. I actually plan on taking the reports that you as a playerbase give me and actually make a news episode from it, or something close to it. Something that will let someone that wasn't there know what happened.
I like the idea of factions/groups dedicated to news dissemination. I think there are already a few of them but I don't know if they provide objective information. Anyway, it is always a pleasure to read this news and get informed of what is going on in Sirius.
From the perspective of our humanitarian group (the Seraphim), such news have often the potential to generate some new role-play by describing some social crisis or catastrophic event. At the same time, the Seraphim could collect information to feed newspaper and denounce critical situations.
just one thing, I am not sure it is a good idea to use a freelancer ID with a zoner IFF (it might be misunderstood by zoners).
Are you guys also visiting Rheinland? Because the last few news factions were only active in Liberty and ofc they said, they will operate in the whole Sirius.
Also just a little mistake you made: The ID is called Freelancer instead of Freelance
I always get excited when I see a faction along news corporation lines, and I enjoyed reading your write up. Looking forward to read some articles, and perhaps even some rp between us. ^.^
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Joined: Nov 2014
Staff roles: Art Developer
They haven't annoyed anyone -yet- (which personally, it's more interesting to see them develop that part of their 'faction story' - learning how many people hate privacy etc) so I imagine everyone would be white bar the Nomads.
Of course, I hope they wouldn't try to go interview people in Alaska xd
A quick and dearly needed update on the state of this...thing.
'NOT GOOD!' Would be one way to explain it.
Our first attempt was to create a cover story over the incident in Munich, and while I did collect some very nice screenshots and a bit of video, I got no statements from organizations, interviews with local traders, and my other reporter apparently disappeared. This left the project rather empty, and was scrapped for the most part. My second project was to glean a two part documentary over the Crayter Republic, which went ignored, but I still have plans for it.
I was going to launch a new report covering a little bit of what the governments would tell me about Hidden Giant. Maybe start off from a rumor and work our way up to a silhouette of an officer who was there explaining the lucrative details. But alas, other activities(sleeping, trade, having other navy members use my money to build a battleship, more sleeping) have gotten the best of me. Hopefully if I can get a story out there, I might attract more RP-wanting pilots.
Anyway, Morgan Freelancer loves you all, and promises many blues. He told me so, right after a gunboat blew me up.