FACTION NAME: Sharp Edge Internationals Intelligence Core TAG: >SEI<[intel] ID: Freelancer Generic AFFILIATION: Freelancer DIPLOMACY: Top secrete! (changes) * Gallic hostile * FIGHTER SHIPS: Any civilian or border worlds class Gun Boat size and smaller TRADING SHIPS: Any ship that can lawfully be flown on a Freelancer ID-3600 cargo or less or the pirate train of 4,300 cargo DIVISIONS: Intelligence-Fighter Division
Transport Division
Humanitarian Division
Born and raised in a far of land on A planet know one knows has inhabitants,
Caves and tunnels, blast lock radiation doors, gas masks and hazard suits,
A sad life to be born into,
A hard life to be raised in,
A life made to kill the weak and breed the hearty.
We new nothing of space growing up, my friends and me, we didnt know that you could leave a planet and travel the stars, heck we didnt even know what stars where, had never seen one our selves and our ''teachers'' were very ...*closed lipped* about anything outside of our way of life, *sigh* a sad life indeed ,
One day the sirens tolled and the lights flashed, we all new what it meant, radiation storms!
Needless to say we all rusted for our suits and ran for the blast shelters even deeper within the caves,
we where to late, Alex and i where trapped upon the first level, locked out by the dividing blast doors, the secure areas where three more levels down " where gona die die" alex said to me " im sorry bro" i said back as we started weeping ever so softly,
We started moving back towards the head of the caves and the main blast door witch keeps the outside world out! " figure if we stand by the door we'll die faster" i said to alex " iigh brother better that then slow" he said back,
We walked the halls and climbed the steers, talking of days past, dreams held, and all the girls we claimed to have been with but had only been with 1 of them, we smiled and laughed, talked and walked, done anything to try and pretend we would be ok, we woldnt be we new but we had to try,
"Doors are just around the corner" Alex said
we both stopped, shaking now
"ill miss you bro" i said to Alex
"what the F*** that was the doors!" alex said as we both dove for wall huddling up against it
"no way man it cant be, everyone is down in the vaults"
'then what the hell was it!"
we sat there a little longer trying to guess, picturing who could be out there, what that noise could have been if it wasnt the doors,
"come on " i said
We started crawling across the floor creeping towards the last bend so we could see the doors
"theres a man there' Alex said
"what! no way" i said as i crawled up next to him so i could see as well
"im telling you thats a man"
"get out the way let me see"
sure enough there was a man there wearing a strange suit like we had never seen before,
"who is that, whats he wearing" i said to Alex
Alex shrugged his shoulders
" o f*** this" i said and jumped up
"Oi !! who the hell are you" i yelled across to the man in the strange suit "what that stuff your bringing in here, whats that suit why are the doors open, what the f*** is going on here?"
Alex jumped up next to me, we where both shaking and wishing i had of stayed quit,
The man slowly put down the crate he was carrying and turned to face us
"i be the man about to save your lives boy" he said in a very flat and matter of fact tone
'' you cant stay here now you now'" *sspt* he spat to the ground
'' they'll kill you you know, for seeing me here''
"what thats crazy what are you talking about?" i said to him
"HAHAHA stupid boys, do you know whats out side here boy" he said looking at me
"death" alex said
The man laughed heartedly
"death is what awaits you here when they find out you seen me"
"what why what do you mean what the F*** are you talking about" i said to him
"watch that tone boy or ill leave you here"
this put the heckles up, the tone in his voice was hard, like a man who had done much much worse things then leave people to die,
"out here boy's is life out here is a thousand other planets full of life! millions upon millions of people all traveling the stars to make a living, out here" he said pointing back through the open doors
"is your way out of this hole and into the stars".
After 6 months traveling the stars with rusko as he called himself, and learning to fly in the many different types of ships he had he came to us,
"lad's im dieing" was all he said, completely blown away we both froze, unsure what to say we said nothing
"ill be dead within a month, ill be leaving tomorrow and leaving alone"
I snapped out of my shock " what you cant be! theres no way" i said
"your not dieing just hung over" alex said " we thought we where gona die every morning for the first month traveling with you"
he laughed heartedly " iigh lad's you did" *laughing again " never new they didnt have liquor down that hole of your's,
but its not that, iv none for a while now, been to the docs all over sirius and aint nothing they can do for me"
"there has to be rus you cant leave us" i said
"you'll be fine boys you'll be fine, iv set some credits aside for you both and im leaving you a ship each, there not much but they'll do until you find some work, they credit well, they'll last long enough to get you through".
We spent the rest of the night talking and laughing, drinking and smoking doing everything we never new you could do befor we meet Rusko,
we were sad,
our only friend in this world was leaving, dieing at that and was going to do it alone,
We awoke the next day sore and sick, nothing new, and new he was gone already,
i got up and went to kitchen, there upon the table was a note, a short note but a note
i love you boys like ye was my own,
i want you to do something for me, that logo on my ship SEI, keep it for me
Sharp Edge Internationals
you'll have to work hard in some places to earn the right to live,
iv done bad things carrying that name,
Fix it for me will you, of course you will, ehh good lad's
i better be off now boy's day lights coming,
look after my ships and take care, make me proud and return the honor to the name.
Over and over we read that letter, for days we did nothing but drink eat and read that damn letter until we decided it was time to move on,
"we'll do it'' i said out into the nothingness
"igh we'll do it, we'll keep the name and make it great" alex said standing right behind me.
Time passed and our ideals changed
We lost ships in fights and nearly our lives more times then i care to think about,
but we survived, we learned and we thrived,
trying to rebuild a name that had many Many enemies was hard work, but we did it, we made it and we changed it,
Sharp Edge Internationals intelligence core is the name we fly now,
yes different then what rusko wanted but still the same in base,
I believe he would be proud.
The Sharp Edge International Intelligence Core is a firm advocate for Civilian rights and protection, we seek not only to inform the civilians of Sirius space but also protect them from what ever dangers they may face, be that pirates or profiters, natural disasters or disease, we will aid, protect and deliver the civilian populations from these ailments by what ever means no matter the cost, this is our word and vow.
Any and all factions who willing attack or endanger any civilian population are our sworn enemy, these people are considered the lowest of scum within existence,
Anyone who would attack a Freeport is to be treated as a hostile target and destroyed on sight,
All pirates are to be engaged upon encounter, where ever you find them or they you
Unless you are flying a [T] marked transport vessels retreat is not allowed unless yours orders are to do so, any faction members not flying a transport vessels that is caught retreating without orders to do so will be keel hauled until death takes them,
your job, your life your reason for being, is to protect the civilian population at all cost, there lives are worth dieing for, our ideals are worth dieing for, this is our code.
Our prime targets are Gallic forces, none shall be left alive until they have been pushed back out of kingdom space and the civilian population can be aided and returned to there rightful homes.
Intelligence-Fighter Division
# To gain intelligence from every corner of Sirius,
# To learn the location of every POB and its affiliation,(record this information to add it to our database)
# The call signs of every known pirate vessel,(record this information to add to our database)
# To learn anything we can on upcoming and current conflicts between houses and factions,(record this information to add to our database)
# Offer our support to lawful factions, (support not information! information is only to be given by the Commander or an officer of rank to any outside parties)
# To attack all Gallic military forces on site
# To aid the kingdom of Bretonia in anyway that they may need
Transport Division
# To bring supplies to POB's that request our serves
# To deliver any mat's you are told to deliver by Amanda Shepherd the head of the Transport and logistics Division
# To make profitable trades for funding the SEIIC
# To learn what you can during your travels to update our database
Humanitarian Division
# Provide aid to persons and stations in need
# To fly our hospital ship to places of need
# Not to discriminate in the aid we give, all factions and houses are to be offered our humanitarian aid
# No information or intelligence is to be recorded during humanitarian efforts
Traversing Sirius gathering intelligence of every nature