Greetings Mr.Conner, first id like to thank you for coming to us once again *smiles*
And of course we gladly accept your contract and will begin deliveries upon my arrival back in Bretonia,
I will be completing most of this contract myself *slight smile* as our other pilots are currently engaged in other matters and will not be able to fill there roles within the transport division,
As always you can expect completion within 24 hours with out a issue so until then safe skies Mr. Conner
Best Regards: Amanda Shepherd
Sharp Edge Internationals
Intelligence Core
Transport Division
Encryption: High
Location: Planet New London
Target: CEO. Zak Conner
ID:Amanda Shepherd
Greetings Mr.Conner,
Once again i'm pleased to tell you that your contract for ( 38,492 units of Robotic Hardware ) has been complete *smiles*
And as always we await for your next contract, safe skies and good day Mr.Conner *winks*
Encryption:High Origin:Isle of Skye, New London ID:CEO Subject:Supply To:Transport Division | Amanda Shepherd Good day Amanda,
Thank you again for your efficient and fast service. materials received and i have another contract for you. We need to deliver all the quantities of Cobalt Ore from Anglesey Abbey station in Cambridge system up to isle Of Skye in New London system, is that something you would be interested in ? Best Regards,
Zak Conner
Chief Executive Officer
Greetings again Mr.Conner, *smiles*
due to current work being done on our vessels and staff being re called to other division there may be some slight delay on the transportation of colbalt to your facilities, however i am a laddie of many talents and one of them is making the impossible, possible *winks* as always sir you can expect completion within 24 hours
Best Regards: Amanda Shepherd
Sharp Edge Internationals
Intelligence Core
Transport Division
Encryption:High Origin:Isle of Skye, New London ID:CEO Subject:Supply To:Transport Division | Amanda Shepherd Good day Amanda,
I can see that you could already bring decent amount of Cobalt Ore. But for now we gonna freeze this contract as i already got the rest and our storage is full for now thank you so much for your help. Best Regards,
Zak Conner
Chief Executive Officer
Encryption:High Origin:Isle of Skye, New London ID:CEO Subject:Supply To:Transport Division | Amanda Shepherd Good day Amanda,
It has been a while since the last business contract, i am requesting from you again some materials, we urgently need 43798 of Robotic Hardware. Is that something you can help with ?Best Regards,
Zak Conner
Chief Executive Officer
Greetings again Mr.Conner, *smiles* its indeed been awhile i hope you find yourself in good health,
First id like to thank you for coming to us for your transportation needs and to confirm that we will indeed be able to complete this contract for you, i will likely be running this contract my self in the ship Harmony as the rest of our fleet and in fact whole divisions are currently undergoing tasks of the up most importance, because of this there may be a slight delay in the delivery however i will strive to have this completed within our normal time frame of 24hours,
Until our next contact good day and safe skies Mr. Conner *smile*
Best Regards: Amanda Shepherd
Sharp Edge Internationals
Intelligence Core
Transport Division
Encryption: High
Location: New London
Target: CEO. Zak Conner
ID:Amanda Shepherd
Greetings Mr.Conner, *smiles*
Well im happy to report i have completed your contract for robotics hardware and we hope to hear from you again soon with more
Safe skies Mr. Conner *smiles*
Encryption:High Origin:Isle of Skye, New London ID:CEO Subject:Supply To:Transport Division | Amanda Shepherd Good day Amanda,
We do require some materials for our production facilities are you interested in another contract ?Best Regards,
Zak Conner
Chief Executive Officer