Private_Terminal_User: N.Khan. Sender_Neurashare_Terminus: Honshu System node. Encryption: Vernam Cypher.
Commander Reeves.
It’d be wise for us to have an unofficial line of communication detached from any direct diplomatic treatise. You have a career to preserve and I have a Curator to protect, so be advised any data exchanged here on my part not travel beyond my terminal. You're speaking to me, and me alone now.
It seems the cosmos has a plan for you; you’re the only contact Auxesia moderately trusts within the entirety of the Liberty Navy and Security Forces - congratulations. I know you'll act as nobly as I believe you to be; don't abuse the data chain that links us together. Even chains snap, Libertonian - nobody benefits from being adrift without friends. Even old, proud, grizzled wardogs like us.
As of the hour of sending, Auxesia has not received any formal declaration of interpolitical intent from the Constitutional Republic of Liberty, nor have we received any armistice missives from the Liberty Navy elements towards Battlegroup fleet actors. The productive light side of this dearth of diplomacy is that we have not encountered any armed interference from Liberty Navy Primary fleet elements during our operations in the infrequent instances where Auxesian and Lib’ Navy personnel have vectored through the same theatre.
Because of this lack of discourse, we are unaware of our current diplomatic situation with Liberty house - our attitude to the Republic and its civil servants is nominally accommodating, nothing has changed from our perspective, but the void of dialogue is more than slightly disturbing.
In what hue are your superiors painting us, Avery? Are we angels or fiends? Monsters or men?
Don't be tactful - your response bears no risk of disadvantaging the Republic. If it is war then we will swim to peace. If it is peace then we can advance together as friends. Such is the nature of Sirian democracy - history bends as the majority wills, and any observer will denote there's legions more soldiers wearing your stripes than mine.
You have the power here.
Not to delve into discussing the dross you hear on CNN, but you wouldn't have any information of interdisciplinary portent on the events unfolding within the Liberty Core Regions? I'm in Honshu presently and the local branch of North Star news seemed rather - confused as to the situation. I had assumed the reports of institutional fratricide were tabloid fabrication until the mainstream media started converging on New York with such eagerness you'd think they had a supernova tailgating them. I trust the issue is more than likely black data, but if the Republic's security situation is genuinely unravelling, the ramifications are unthinkable for those of us who wish to stymy the children of Marduk.
God go with you, Commander. If the Republic needs us, you know where I am.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
COMM ID:Commander Avery Reeves TARGET ID: Templar Nesrin Khan SUBJECT: Monsters and men ENCRYPTION:Apollo PRIORITY:N/A
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Greetings again, Templar
As much as it pains me to relay this, despite my own efforts and the efforts of those who share my opinions, the cease-fire request failed to pass, suffering against a majority voting against it. The reasoning behind this being that the loss of equipment and personnel from our end to yours, is far too large for the Republic and Naval Command to simply forgive and forget. The compromise in order to ensure a cease-fire is so drastic, I don't feel it worth mentioning to you, for it would only be a waste of energy. The Kill On Sight order still stands, as unnecessary as it seems to be, the Republic currently feels it is the most logical and the only worthwhile method of handling your people, though I disagree, I am unable to argue against their points or persuade people further than I already have.
The best I can assure you, is that so long as I am Commanding Officer in the event that your people are detected, I will allow no bloodshed from occurring, that is my promise. In regards to what light you were painted in...the term used to describe you was "Vigilantes" while technically incorrect, it's still the way you're being termed. I've heard a few worse names which I don't find worth mentioning.
While this setback is monumental, I still require cooperation from the end of the Battlegroup to me, in order to obtain an ample store of the substance known as "Azurite", delivering it will be complicated. But if you can carry a load of it to neutral ground, such as Cortez or Magellan, perhaps even the outskirts of core systems provided you do not face resistance on the way, then I can have a cargo vessel of ours siphon it out and deliver it to our research facility.
I wish I had good new for you Templar, nothing pains me more than seeing people die due to political decisions that could be different given a little understanding and compromise. My responses to this communique will be largely scarce, since my time is occupied containing what seems to have been a betrayal by L.S.F primary forces against Naval ships. This whole matter has escalated beyond the bearing it should have in my personal opinion, but foul play is going on nonetheless and it is my job to ensure this does not take a toll on the citizens of Liberty. You have my best wishes and regards, as well as my sincerest apologies given the denial of the cease-fire agreement.
Commander Reeves, over and out.
Important:This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
Private_Terminal_User: N.Khan. Sender_Neurashare_Terminus: Honshu System node. Encryption: Vernam Cypher.
Ya dahwety…
I don’t have the words for you, Commander, nor would I have any that you would wish to hear If I did.
We live on the edge of the apocalypse. That was the warning perpetually muttered in corners, under tables, in the undusted brink of the most distant star systems. Even these brief, precognitive warnings are now insufficient. We must find new phrases, new threats, new nightmares to whisper to our children, for there’s nothing mythological about the scourge now.
My concerns for the lives of our forces bleach before the burden you carry for the preservation of the Republic’s citizens, Liberty’s governmental stability, even the fundaments of the rule of law. The identity of Liberty has been questioned, and the debtors have their interpretations mixed, contradictory rhetoric in lockstep with contradictory guns.
I can say no more. Auxesia is still compiling our awareness of the crises as it unfolds. The devil’s blessing of our organisation is that our means of gathering intelligence are expedient and manifold - we have assets with everyman experience, yet collation takes a tactically inflexible age - our fleet is so incredibly compartmentalised that adapting to the momentum of a setback requires time - time, that sometimes we do not have. As of yet, we have no contingency.
Yet we will not be restful. There is only one precedent in the History of Sirius of such an event occurring. The last time entire institutions of Liberty public service were purged from governmental oversight, the public’s defenders entered armed conflict against each other, the K’hara had occupied the sector, Commander Reeves. Humanity was an inch from dissolution, our elected leaders were in prisons or the glove puppets of hive intelligences.
We will find the truth, Commander. If you have any reason to suspect the K’hara is on the brink of uprooting Liberty’s armed services, you’d do well to inform us. If the entire combined intelligence services and significant elements of the military proper rail against Libertonian servicemen, then you have been subjugated to demagoguery. Be it human or otherwise, we will find the righteous cause in this calamity and we will assist them, till peace is restored, authority defined, apocrypha postponed, in that order. We will find the Liberated in Liberty, and defend them from the black - If they, you, shoot at us on the way, so be it - we’ll adapt. Humanity is in inherently fracture-prone - a proclivity we are specialised to endure. Cockroach instinct is our métier, Commander Reeves.
The Azurite procurement is… mm. Demanding. What you are effectively requesting at this point is a tactically significant asset to be given out for free - which we would do, if we were not in a time of war. Our own hybridisation projects require vast quantities of Azurite - more than our current stockpiles permit. Recovery of the resource puts our manpower in a state of exceptional risk - details are classified, but it involves direct intercession with active K’hara biotechnology in the most intensely contested system within the Sirius sector, coupled by a several hundred lightyear intersystem cart-horsing of the payload, under armed guard, through a myriad of unstable jump nodes.
The terms of me offering the Liberty Navy a sustained supply of the gas hinged upon primary fleet personnel not cravenly murdering my men without subjecting them to so much as a kangaroo court. Since your superiors have decided the price of life insurance is out of our income bracket, the terms have changed accordingly.
I will only supply the Liberty Navy Azurite if Auxesia collectively decides that the intended use advances the defence of the Human Race, beyond reasonable doubt. If I believe the gas will play its way into the hands of incubi, the Liberty Navy will receive vacuum, and our collective middle fingers.
That means you’re going to have to recompense us with classified files on said hybridisation work, if we provide you with the tools to make said work possible. Not everything - not the whole can of worms - just enough to inform us your superiors are not tap-dancing to Ish’Tar’s many fingered fiddle.
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
COMM ID:Commander Avery Reeves TARGET ID: Templar Nesrin Khan SUBJECT: Monsters and men ENCRYPTION:Apollo PRIORITY:N/A
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Greetings again, Templar
There are two such projects that both cite Azurite as the material needed for completion. I'll attach them both here and leave the decision of supplying the material up to you.
Due to an increasing amount of improvements made by Royalists in the field of land-based warfare and the threat of those with highly advanced hybridized weaponry, research teams of section DELTA, have been tasked with producing hybridized weaponry of equal or greater effectiveness, while all the components necessary are ready to produce this new weapon line for troops, the key material in question is still lacking and thus requires a supplier, the material in question being a substance known as "Azurite" crucial to effectively replicating the hybrid technology to an effective degree. The deployment of such weaponry will for the time being be regulated even upon successful completion of the project so as to prevent theft of the production techniques and prototypes themselves, only units with full and unquestionable loyalty to the Republic may be equipped with weapons from the corresponding line until more wide distribution to various forces may be undertaken.
Research into the field of infection has revealed little thus far, but one prevailing theory is that by inducing a limited quantity of the Azurite gas to lull the incubi into a state of safety will make infection more prominent to observers during containment. The gas will then be drained away along with all forms of trace Azurite in the containment cell, a device known as a "dampener" will handle the latter and a working prototype already exists and has been used in one such incident. The technique was first used on subject-58 and the end result of this interrogation session was the incubi ejecting itself from the host's body in a manner observed to be akin to withdrawal. Subject-58 was then held in containment overnight post ejection and then cleared to be released, the incubi was observed and analysed for the safe research period of 6 hours and then submitted to nullification. Refinement and proper replication of the circumstances may prove key to disinfecting personnel subverted by incubi in a manner so as to not to kill them.
Commander Reeves, over and out.
Important:This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.
Private_Terminal_User: N.Khan. Sender_Neurashare_Terminus: Honshu System node. Encryption: Vernam Cypher.
Interesting indagation, Avery.
I’ll have to be careful you’re not lulling me into a false sense of security.
The projects stated - assuming they’re all your going to use it for, appear just. Hybrid cannons and infected containment procedures will go a long way to promote the health of the Republic, provided the military keeps such assets in a closed fist. Be careful out there - we were not the first to profit from insider intel leaks, and we won’t be the last. Call us hypocrites, but if prevailing military doctrine is going to survive the the successions still to come, a certain amount of denominationalism is going to have to pervade the thinking of the Liberty Navy.
You’ll get your Azurite, commander. We have a recovery expedition heading to the Omicrons in less than twenty four hours, although you can forgive me if the exact timescale is need-to-know information. Infected are everywhere. We’ll help you.
In return, will you help us?
I’ll keep no secrets from you here; there isn't the time and human civilisation is rapidly falling apart. We strongly suspect either the LSF or the Liberty Primary Fleet to be rife with K’hara agent provocateurs. Who they are, what they are, we don't know. Incubi, turned agents, cultists, everything is possible in the absence of truth. Institutional rivalry is insufficient to catalyse civil war, so we must run by historical precedent. There’s a mole somewhere in the Military, commander. I don’t believe the entire LSF, nor elements of the secondary fleet, would turn their backs so completely on their elected representatives without sufficient conviction they are operating in the true interests of the Libertonian people. Privately, I believe There's a lesion along the chain of command, Reeves, and it's drip-feeding the LSF, or the Navy, enough of a slander chain to hang the whole constitution out to dry. There are events out there that others do not want us to see. We're here to turn the lights on.
For some of us, the nomad war never ended, Commander. We will see it through to the bitter end, and whilst our ability to directly assist the Navy has obvious impediments, we must still act. Your house is in peril and will collapse under both internal and external stress factors if it has to confront infected acolytes within its own borders along with the external forces of Charles De Gaul.
Welcome or not, foe or friend, we shall defend your Liberty whatever the cost may be. I cannot dictate to you your duty, Commander, but perhaps you can assist us in fulfilling ours.
In short, we need you to shoot at us. This will be no fratricide, and the endgame will be mutually beneficial. At a time co-mutually agreed, by all the misfortune of the cosmos, a wing of Auxesian fighters and ESRD strike craft will intersect each other. An engagement will ensue, with the ESRD operatives routing the Auxesian operatives at (what the navy will believe), considerable risk to their own lives. Whilst most of the Auxesians will flee in various states of attrition, two Guardians, marked Saracen One and Saracen Two respectively, will suffer an impromptu propulsion failure, preventing their escape from the combat area. Auxesia, in the light of the Kill-on-sight order, will declare the pilots of Saracen One and Saracen Two, KIA, a status that ESRD will mirror in their own reports to Liberty Navy Primary Fleet command. Auxesia will hold an exceptionally convincing memorial service for the fallen and generally throw a party for the dammed, whilst you get to march up to your superiors and convince them you’re not fraternising with the enemy. Everybody wins. You, The Primary Fleet, ESRD, The pilots of Saracen One and Two, and, if our counter-insurgency operation succeeds, the Republic of Liberty itself. Both operatives are past defectors from both the Liberty Navy and the LSF respectively, which should make your combat report all the more flattering in the eyes of your CO.
After Saracen One and Two do a considerable bit of method acting from the grave, you are to release them, quietly, into Liberty space, wiping their incarceration records behind them. If all goes well you will never hear from the two agents again. If all goes swimmingly - you’ll be hearing from me.
I appreciate that I am openly requesting you to lie to your government, in the interests of your government, at considerable risk of my own men. Be mindful, Reeves, all the Auxesian operatives involved are trained intelligence operatives, Libertonian citizens, and pledged patriots. This operation might be our last crapshoot at gaining firm intel on the inner workings of the Republic’s traitors before the K’hara bring the sector back to 801. The price of having a wire tap to the LSF’s inner ear is all too valuable to us both.
So Commander, will you ride with the tide, or watch the waves roll over us?
(A co-operative of Rheinland's Shipping Unions, retired from a life of piracy.)
COMM ID:Commander Avery Reeves TARGET ID: Templar Nesrin Khan SUBJECT: Monsters and men ENCRYPTION:Apollo PRIORITY:N/A
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I'm not one for surfing or water sports of any kind, but I'd imagine riding a wave is much better than being slammed against the tides. I've instructed two such pilots, call-signs 'Supremacy' and 'Sentinel' of the special protocol in this case. I may also be involved but in the event that I'm not due to being required back at the research installation, operative 'Supremacy' will act in my absence with all the resolve we've both shown each other. The offer of helping you is gladly accepted, though I'm not sure how effectively I'll be able to do so beyond this staged engagement of forces. Regardless of what has to be done, I need to know whether it is the LSF, Naval forces or perhaps even both that are currently being subverted by the 'squids'. Your methods of looking into this may be more effective than mine, regardless, whatever can be found on the matter of K'hara infiltration will be shared with you.
Commander Reeves, over and out.
Important:This communication remains the property of the Liberty Defence Forces and is subject to the jurisdiction of the Neural Net Communications Act 807A.S, Section 30. If you have received this message in error, you are requested to contact the sender and delete the communication.