First and foremost, here is a local archive of the last communication I delivered during my tenure with the LSF. The copy I have here is read-only, naturally - I terminated the live link prior to my departure, and even if it were still running my access has likely been revoked by now. The contents of that report, and the rather unconvincing explanation I received in response, only solidified my growing concerns about the direction we had been taking in recent weeks.
It is my belief - my experience too, actually - that the majority of both the Security Force's and the Battlegroup's personnel are being both deceived and manipulated by two sources at once. There is a Nomadic influence stemming from within Harmony, with one of their ranking captains, Emilia Young, being the most likely source of their paranoia. Obviously, the intentions of this individual - or group of individuals - are decisively malign in nature. They are, however, being kept in check by an unlikely party - the second point of manipulation.
The other source of concern is far greater in scale, since it concerns the Security Force as a whole. Standing orders given to all agents and personnel have become increasingly unpredictable and aggressive, with search-and-destroy orders on Naval personnel replacing simple reconnaissance patrols with alarming speed. As you've no doubt seen, some of the latest strikes have even breached the Alaska system. No explanation has been offered from either the Directorate or the Executive Director herself for these new orders, and the only silver lining to these recent assaults is that - in my opinion - the Security Force continuing to function and operate at such a high level is the one thing keeping the entire agency from succumbing to the threat within the Battlegroup. The majority of personnel within both the LSF and Harmony have been briefed that the infestation is confined to Naval personnel only, and news of the Virginia incident only helped solidify that belief. I know it did for me, as well. However, standard LSF protocol has always held strict anti-infection and quarantine routines to account at all times when dealing with threats of this nature, and to the best of my knowledge these stringent procedures are still in effect. For that reason, I am quietly confident that the real, alien threat within Kodiak's walls is contained - at least for now.
Adenauer is the woman capable of doing real damage - what her goals are, I ultimately cannot even begin to guess. However, whether she knows it or not, she is also the one force keeping some semblance of order within the LSF. Should their power structure crumble and the agency dissolve into chaos, I could only imagine how far and how quickly the infestation within Harmony could spread to the entire division. That said, at this time it is my firm belief that the infestation within Alaska is confined to a select few individuals, or perhaps only one in particular.
COMM ID:Fleet Admiral Alan Jones TARGET ID: Marisa Marshall SUBJECT: Briefing - ref. LSF/Harmony Situation SSENT ON: August 23rd 823AS ENCRYPTION:High PRIORITY:High
We had been suspecting something like this ever since the sabotage of the LNS Harmony. To not let that disaster influence the battlegroup at large, as the Chief of Logistics at the time, I prioritized the ships repairs at the time and it was put back into service in a rather short time. Shortly afterwards we really started questioning things once we received numerous transmissions from OSC ships being attacked by this Iota-5.
After some time as discrepancies kept occurring, the ESRD got in contact with Knight, on conducting "classified, critical" research on Radford. And by classified and critical it was meant to perform experiments on suspects for infection within the battlegroup, to find a way to root them out as well as bring anyone infected to light. As preparations for this research project were being conducted, things went downhill. This all started with the Alaska incident where the Fifth Fleet ,at the time Commodore John Sader aboard the LNS Kansas, First Fleet Admiral Natalie Reaser aboard the LNS Malrone, accompanied by RADM Victoria Knight and her escort strikecraft, were dealing with a nomad incursion within the Alaska system. And at this very moment the escort craft performs an under the belt hit on the Navy capitals without being noticed by Knight. The Navy retaliated on the craft after considering it rogue, however RADM Knight thought she was being attacked on the back by the Navy First Fleet and Fifth Fleet and opened fire on the Navy capitals, managing a retreat to Norfolk afterwards. Shortly after the LSF arrived on the scene where I and the Director engaged on a discussion regarding the matter.
At the time we reached an agreement, to have this matter turned into joint responsibility of our organizations, however at the time tensions were running high and the Director likely thought she couldn't be able to have any faith on the Navy Command, and opened fire in an attempt to siege the matter. That's where all this mess reached it's peak, leaving us with the current situation.
In any case your information will be put to great use in the settling of this conflict. The LSF is a great asset to the Republic and we are trying to operate on minimal collateral damage. Soon enough we'll find a solution to it all and hopefully this whole nightmare will be over.
Anyways, we're glad to have you back Commander, however we must make haste and act fast.
Alan Jones
Fleet Admiral, First Fleet
CiC Liberty Navy