[img float=right]http://i.imgur.com/U1OxmMr.png?1[/img] Priority:High To: The Core From: Admiral Jacob McIntire, BAF Location: HMS Essex, Dublin System
Greetings from Bretonia estimated Guldkeepers,
I send this message to investigate about certain elements of the Zoner community wich apparently try to provoke open warfare in Omega 3 and even deeper in Bretonia.
Note that I do not speak on behalf of the whole Armed Forces in this message.
We had many incedents in the recent months with said elements, wich apparently have access to a big amount of resources such as colony ships, heavy armor and armament.
To come to the point. I am aware that the Cores explanation for the happenings around Freeport 11 is that certain vessels provoked hostilities in a very similar manner and I'm inclined to believe that after what I've seen with my own eyes.
Just yesterday one of said ships opened fire on my ship for no apparent reason, wich of course lead to its immediate destruction.
I think it is in the interest of our both organizations to share informations about possible endagerers of peace.
To begin with the groups I made out to be the most agressive, a group with the prefix ORIZON|, mainly operating colony ships with range armament, and vessels with the prefix [ZMCS]-, as well mainly operating colony ships.
If you are interested in exchanging informations this channel remains open, I am thankful for anything that helps to understand the motives and gather knowledge of groups that mean harm to the people of Bretonia.
On behalf of the Core, let me express our delight at you seeking our correspondence. While it did strike me as odd, to say the least, that an Admiral would not speak on behalf of the Armed Forces, I realize that certain matters sometimes require thinking outside conventional boundaries, and you would therefore be well-advised to consider my word here my own and not that of the Core as well.
If you now stroke your chin and found the discrepancy between two of the statements I just made, then you are very astute and slash or used to doublespeak, something the Zoners are exceptionally adept at, I find. From my own experiences, it almost seems like many of them derive an almost zealous gratification from their perceived freedom of rules that sometimes inspires them to assume that they are somehow freed of responsibility and accountability when it comes to House space, or in the case mentioned by you, Omicronis.
Not only did this mentality of anarchism cause the loss of hundreds of lives, it also allowed dangerous terrorists and degenerates like the Order in the former, and the Corsairs in the latter case, to gain significant advances in several regions. Needless to say: Their words of pacifism and peace are superficial excuses for a way more dangerous disease that threatens to infect many regions in Sirius these days: Disorder.
Now, the identifications you gave me do not tell me anything, and even a quick search in our registers of violent individuals and groups yielded no result, which found unfortunate and have now remedied. You spoke about sharing information, and as such, I shall oblige. You will find one of the last moments of the APM transport Majesty attached to this transmission — destroyed by Zoner 'peacekeepers'. It is always difficult for us to recover evidence of these assaults, as the vessels in question tend to get destroyed, and this is therefore one of the few instances recorded where Zoner vessels acted out of place.
If there are outstanding questions and inquiries, consider me your addressee, Admiral. I bid you a good day for now.
[img float=right]http://i.imgur.com/U1OxmMr.png?1[/img] Priority:Medium To: Cordelia Lyell From: Admiral Jacob McIntire, BAF Location: HMS Essex, Dublin System
Estimated Guildkeeper Lyell,
It is good to see that there are other forces than the Houses whos goals are to keep up order and justice in the sector and I am well aware that the will for freedom of some groups shifted to them working towards total anarchy, whether they are aware of that or not.
It is the duty of those that see the big picture to defend the order wich allows a balance in societys wich leads to them prospering and not falling apart.
But enought of that, the topic is a different one. I have to admit the footage you shared shocked me, I have seen them shoot on armed targets but that they will be so ruthless to shoot a civilian vessel down I did not imagine.
I was able to make contact with some Zoners around the Freeport in question and the majority was polite and understanding of the situation, but apparently there is no overall consensus to refrain from violence any more.
I will not be able to share the internal reports about the single incedents with you but I shall provide some footage of what I am talking regarding the mentioned groups.
They chose the wrong targets and till this day no Armed Forces Vessel was destroyed, gladly not even damaged enought to make a soldier loose his life.
Nevertheless a threat should never be underestimated, the more when it endangeres civilians.
I would appreciate if you were able to share the names of groups we should be carful with as well, if such a register can be shared.