This is Jerard Voncloud Director of Security for OSI.
This is an Urgent message for the BAF command. During an encounter with a ship i beleive you are familure with, interesting statements were said over the universal comm channels.
Before the comments that i will reveal to you in a moment, the ship in question [ZMCS]-FP-66|Arcadia was in Freeport Ones no fire zone but the Commander of the ship one Captain Dross was very co-operative when i asked him about his presence and informed me that He had aquired permission from the Admiralty to be stationed at Freeport 1.
However with what im about to show you i feel that not only should this permission be revoked but his ship be activly barred from Entry to Bretonia but i shall leave that to your descretion. The Confederation has been made aware and are considering what action to take but i feel the BAF should also have this brought to their attention.
[img float=right][/img] Priority:High To: Jerard Voncloud; Director of Security; OSI From: Admiral Jacob McIntire, BAF Location: HMS Essex, Dublin System
Estimated Mr. Voncloud,
I want to thank you for sharing this informations with us, I personally granted this ship its stay, but since the group this ship belongs to opened fire on my flagship just some days ago I only granted it acces on probation. Judging from its behavior and the captain expressing his will to fight all houses, together with an unknown force he thinks to be united with is enought reason to revoke his clearence, given that this group already caused trouble.
I will look into the matter at the earliest convenience.
Also if ships of your security force are stationed on the Freeport, what I think is most likely as well as wise regarding the recent developments, I advice caution. We have reasons to believe the ones the captain thinks are united with him are not human, neither ordinary animals. You know yourself whats left as options.
Another reson to believe that is the appearance of a Nomad force, the biggest in Bretonia since the events in Newcaste and New London, just as this ships captain begins to talk to this entities he carries in the ship.