To:Gunda Riehl From:Breuninger Station - New Berlin Subject:Inquiry information
Guten tag Gunda Riehl,
I have received information from the captain of the KMS-Flensburg, regarding the contact he had with you. It did not really surprise me, because i have had in the past some similar requests from the Unioners. These were sadly forgotten and lost in a pile of paperwork, or the captains maybe went M.I.A.
For your request of the Kruger paramilitaries to back off from you, I can arrange that, but if we are in the vicinity of military forces or even police forces within the Rheinland territory, we can only assist them to cover our relations. I hope you can understand that. We will not launch forces to assist the police or military, but when we are there we cannot refuse. We can on the other hand make some mistakes, lousy shooting, so we can let you escape the scenes.
About the supplying part you made me wonder, you want us to supply you with what exactly and when?
To: Hans Hofmann, Krüger. From: Gunn. Subject: Ante meridiem.
Sie da.
Yeah, you're being accommodating. Ehrfürchtige Scheiße. We've got skulls to crack.
The Empire that that we flourished under is dead, Hoffman. The cause isn’t. Three hundred years the Republicans have unmade the nation that Kruger, Imperial and Empress Leicht expanded. Now? Now a lot of traitors are going to hang.
The glory days are gone only in the eyes of the revisionists. The GMG is strong, Kruger. Cripplingly so. Only sustained, simultaneous efforts by all parties deserving a slice of the Guild's destruction will save Sirius from fuel starvation.
This is the nugget in soup; no Unioner ships will attack Kruger mineralen assets, and if engaged by Kruger assets in assistance of the Navy, will attempt to escape the Zone of Engagement rather than fire back. The Unioners will assist Kruger against our common enemies, the Independent Miner’s Guild, the Gas Mining Guild, Outcasts and foreign terrorists, when outside the range of government surveillance. If any additional factions come into the category of shared concerns, and there soon might be, tell your brothers below board and we will add them to our little agreement. Tell you what, Kruger. You knock all UN| tagged ships off your bounty board and we’ll call it square.
Only request we have of Krüger right now is the schemata for the 568-ARKG-B6 Behemoth heavily armoured transport and the RT-41-PFT Uruz container Transport, so we can manufacture said ships locally, in our own drive yards. If Kruger grants the use of these designs, we can push our commerce raiding exercises higher into the Sigma arm, sabotaging GMG extraction operations spanning the entirety of the contested lower Sigmas. We will avenge the loss of the War, Kruger. One step at a time.
We will punish them.
Keep Krüger solvent for us, Hofmann. Your company represents Rheinland’s last shot at a future worth surviving for.
For Rheinland,
Gunda Riehl,
Oberstarbeiter, Wedel outpost, Hamburg System.
To:Gunda Riehl From:Breuninger Station - New Berlin Subject:Inquiry information
Guten tag Gunda Riehl,
Your offers seems more than reasonable, the ships corresponding with the UN| marks were never on our bounty boards,.
Your request for the blueprints of the 568-ARKG-B6 Behemoth heavily armoured transport and the RT-41-PFT Uruz container Transport is a lot harder to acquire. If you give me a few weeks I will see what I can do for you. What I can offer you is one of each of these ships, for you to scan and maybe even improve the design yourselves and produce it. Ofcourse we, Krüger Mineralien will deny any knowledge of handing it over and our records will state these ships got hijacked.
We are very occupied in the Krüger Mineralien, so boosting transmissions so many times in such a timespan is not really needed. I've seen it the first time, seen it the second, but decisions I cannot make on my own. These things cost time, please bear in mind that next time your boost your transmission.