What's this? Do I need to whoop your a$$es or are you just dead? Do two chicks have to save your name? Should I say that me and my sister had to do the work ourselves?
Anyway, we were doing Corsair business, 'disrupting commerce' on the Corfu run (we fly Titans not like the synthetic 'ersatz corsairs' in those dreadfully ugly rheinland bombers), and guess what - a traitor appears, all green and sporting Corsairs tag - a name from the Zodiac, the Bull - IN A FREAKIN' OSIRIS!!! It was f*kked up, man, he starts shooting us (my blood sister, Oihana Itzal was with me) instead of the trader. Of course we weren't thwarted by the petty treachery, we went after them both with a vengeance.
When the ratty trader docked, a BSG Talarca cruiser joined the zodiac Bull but to no avail, both would have gone doing the same as the Talarca's name when you cut "er" out of it if they both didn't dock at Cambridge Research Station, ok, I can go with the Police tagged one (I thought it should be Planetform) but a Corsair docking there!? He seems to be one of the 'ersatz' too, we will hunt him.
ooc: I thought this was an Role Play server, I'm very disappointed! With the role play of the two people in question and the quick-docking when they ran out of bots/batts and nearly destroyed, specially the Corsair... Very few people Role Play here. I have something about the rules:
it is stated that:
Quote:1.8 Using cruise and quick engine kill to boost speed in PvP fights is not allowed.
As far as to my knowledge, it is allowed to engine kill (drop out of cruise to shoot the target) while in pursuit of a running target. Am I right? I think it should be redefined to say that, as people seem to understand that engine kill while cruising is not allowed at all.
Sorry for my 'rant' guys, I'm a noob here, but I start understanding the long-time players rants, now...:unsure:
OOC: Obsy, all I can say is keep ranting dude. The a$$holes you encountered.... pity you didn't get any screenshots, losers like this need to be kicked from the server. Stuff like this annoys me and many of the long-termers like you wouldn't believe.
Glad to have a noob who is interested in RP for a change. Welcome to the server guy:)
IC: Welcome sisters! The Corsair cause has lay dormant too long. About time we should assert ourselves once more in Sirius....