On July 7th, 823 A.S, elements of the 1FLT and 5FLT of the Naval forces in addition to detachments of the K.N.I conducted an operation deep into the uncharted Omicron systems in order to destroy a nomad structure that possessed capabilities of generating passages deep into Kusari sovereign space. Communications with the task force sent through the generated portals were strained and lost with the anomaly disappearing, initial analysis implies that the operation was a success and the nomad structure was destroyed. However, Nomad presence and activities within Kusari has increased in the prior 3 months, in addition to the appearance of what seems to be a new type of an advanced nomad vessel in the Shikoku star system which led to doubts regarding the operation's success.
"The battleship was different than the other nomad battleships we have normally
encountered, yet similar to what we had encountered before as Ishtar. Energy
readings indicated a higher level of firepower than the other type of battleship. The
ship was emitting unidentifiable type of radiation foreign to our scanners and
knowledge. Supreme caution is advised."
-'Orochi', Nito Kaisa, 66th.
The 66th Special Expeditionary Division's knowledge of the Omicrons has grown lacking with the recent galactic changes in the said region, which has also led to the decision of conducting an expedition to the Omicrons to chart unknown systems.
Friendly Forces
II. Mission
At 1900 hours , the 66th Expeditionary Force, with the assistance of other specialized government agencies and forces, under the command of Itto Kaisa Kiyoko Hayashimura, will conduct operations in the Omicrons cluster in order to:
Explore of the Omicrons cluster and update Naval Forces data-banks with any new info regarding possible recent changes in the region.
Investigate the aftermath of Operation ‘Kumo no Ami’ and the fate of all participants classified as Missing-In-Action.
Contain any and all alien activity along the path from Tohoku to the deep Omicrons, and weaken the connection between the infected forces in the Arch and the Nomads.
III. Execution
Sixty-sixth K.D.S Matsuyama will act as the main mobile headquarters and bulk of the fleet, surrounded by the 11th battlecruiser division consisting of K.DS Zanza and K.D.S Niitaka and the 9th Destroyer Division consisting of K.D.S Asahi, K.D.S Hizen, K.D.S Kawachi and K.D.S Haruna as supporting elements, in addition to multiple fighter and bomber squadrons.
K.N.I Cell Suzuki, comprised of K.N.I operatives will assist 66th operatives in providing intelligence details and reconnaissance throughout the mission, as well as analyzing gathered data.
Tokkeitai second division will be composed of surveillance teams consisting of undercover Tokkeitai agents, reporting directly to the their commanding officer and the expedition’s commanding officer.
The Fifth Special Operations Group will act as the primary safeguarding Naval Forces warships interior. Upholding the responsibility of the containment of any possible nomad breach into the Matsuyama or the escorting vessels, as well as boarding any ship or base as seen fit by the expedition’s leadership.
IV. Participating elements
Sixty-sixth Special Expeditionary Division, Fifth Fleet, Kusari Naval Forces
San-Roku cell and Kyū-Ni cell are repositioning to integrate designated battle-group's assets. Agent 'Fujin' will be joining the operation general-staff on Battleship Matsuyama and will serve as the eyes of Tokkeitai, and by extension, Ministry of Defense.
Tokkeitai assets identity will remain undisclosed, except for agent 'Fujin'. Every heavy unit is expected to contain at least three (3) Tokkeitai assets on board for diligent observation duties. Such a directive equally affects Kusari Naval Intelligence heavy units.
Please be reminded Tokkeitai are empowered to act as judges, jury and executioners, and that their authority is absolute when it comes to maintaining Kusari Naval Forces integrity.
Tokkeitai expects Naval Forces personnel to display utmost excellency in performing their duty.
Your cooperation is appreciated.
-= A few weeks later, a secure message arrives to the Headquarters of the mission, coming from the deep Omicrons. =-
Sender ID: Nitto Kaisa' Arima Sojirou, KDS-Zanza|66th
Encryption: KNOAS902-412
Signal Origin: Omi_cfevc-FOS (signal jumbled)
Status: Active
This is the Zanza reporting. We have been stranded deep in the hostile systems, after the large engagement with Order battlegroup. Combat had neutralized main porpulsion and comms, so we lost contact with the taskforce. We spend several days repairing the propulsion systems so we could conclude our journey to Core space. We lost 13 servicemen, and have several dozen injured due to the damage. We have arrived at destination and have begun contacts with Core authorities about our case. We asked in the meantime for a line to report back to KNF HQ.
Zanza has suffered moderate damage to structure. Systems took a beating, but have been all brought back into operation.
KNI agents are all accounted for, and have also reque.----
*The Commander is abruptly interrupted by a smaller officer in a characteristically KNI uniform, who boldly steps between the speaker and the camera, in a mix of anger and excitation. *
HEY, what is the big idea you guys not coming to pick us up for so long? Did you forget how boring it is to eat only those military packed rations for weeks? It's Dull, dull, dull. Honestly....
Anyway, good to see you again peeps, Majin here. Our Navy really did a number on that huge blockade group uh? Not that we will ever get to brag about it, considering it's related to a large outpost in the vicinity of Tohoku and all. But oh well, guess there is some hope for us all.
Also, did you see those huge Guns on the Order cruisers? Amazing stuff, I wish I could get my hands on some. But even better than that, these Core mercenaries that are standing guard on their stations have even cooler guns for use. Man, it must be some sophisticated manufacturing in those things. We should totally buy a lot of them. It will do a big number on style points, and firepower, of course!
* Before the officer could digress about yet another fascinating thing, a pair of bridge officers pick her up by the arms and drag her away, revealing again a very irritated Nitto Kaisa. *
Thank you "Agent",... for your unwarranted input. I'll let you use the line later on, now it's my turn I'm afraid.
As you can see, the KNI agents on board are all accounted for, and awaiting the command to proceed with their assignments, as soon as we get an eta of when the rest of the task force will arrive, or the time when we are to depart from the Core holdings. I urge you to inform us as soon as possible, for everyone's sake. * He ends the sentence with a concerned face, doubting the safety of his sanity with such company*
-= A few weeks later, another secure message arrives to the Headquarters of the mission, coming from the deep Omicrons. =-
Sender ID: Nitto Kaisa' Arima Sojirou, KDS-Zanza|66th
Encryption: KNOAS902-412
Signal Origin: OMI-DKA
Status: Active
Officer Arima here. It has been a few weeks since we made contact with the Core, and little progress has been made regarding the investigations. On the same pace, we have yet to receive any new instructions from Itto Kaisa Kiyoko Hayashimura or any other source from High Command.
Upon request from the present KNI detachment, we began making light inquiries regarding the new series of incidents in the Omicron Delta system. We have launched the Zanza with the repairs we made so far, and explored the area surrounding the Freeport 11 in question. While not as abundant in traffic as the earlier incidents reported to us some months ago, the area was decently guarded by some forces, namely zoner vessels, and elements of IRG and Auxesia organizations.
Likewise, there was sightings of main Core vessels operating in the area, but their orders and disposition showed no intent towards the zoners. The KNI agents conducted some dialog with the local contacts, and will probably present their conclusions when able.
Next, we set course to the Omicron Kappa system, that the locals referred as to the location of the graveyard of ships we heard about when we first set off for the expedition. Not much has been found so far, other than the presence of a heavy Corsair fortress in the sector. We are currently contacting the zoners in Corinth Research Station for any leads to follow.
While Agent Majin feels the expedition is bearing fruit, I do agree with such opinion. The Zanza was tasked with operations within the intended expeditionary force, and lacking the support of the rest of the group leaves our work severely lacking efficiency, as well as posing a high security risk.
I urgently request that the order to recall to Kusari space be given as soon as possible, so we may not endanger our assets for ghost stories in the wilderness.
The task force was able to return back to Kusari space after the ambush in the Omicrons that resulted in the loss of contact with your vessel, K.D.S Zanza.
While I am glad to hear that you, your crew and the agents accompanying you are sound and safe, I'm afraid your return to Kusari space will have to be delayed. 66th Command has received news of a terrorist attack on Freeport 11, allegedly conducted by The Core by an N.E.M.P Bomb. However, we are unable to take any action without proper and valid details to confirm the incident.
Your new directives are simple, Nitto Kaisa Arima. Investigate the situation and find out who has done the attack. Unfortunately, the bulk of the task force is unable to continue with the operation as of yet as we are unable to determine a relatively safe and secure route to the Omicrons. However, you will be reinforced by a couple squadrons and supplies for your operation. We will stay in touch.
Sender ID: Nitto Kaisa' Arima Sojirou, KDS-Zanza|66th
Encryption: KNOAS902-412
Signal Origin: OMI-DKA
Status: Active
Captain Hayashimura, your orders have been received. The crisis has indeed taken a turn for the worse, and the KNI has been particularly interested in diving deeper on the subject due to the heavy involvement of the Core, as well as evidence of heavy presence of nomadic infiltrators, both as part of local organizations, and under the guise of house agencies..., possibly including ours.
The Core has been receptive of ours requests for the staging of Naval Forces missions in their territories, and we will be glad to receive some support of our own, bolstering our security while operating in these chaotic regions.
We hope to file a more comprehensive report in the coming days.
Sender ID: Nitto Kaisa' Arima Sojirou, KDS-Zanza|66th
Encryption: KNOAS902-412
Signal Origin: OMI-DKA
Status: Active
We have some important news to transmit to High Command immediately, before a more comprehensive report as expected. Yesterday, during our travel from Omicron Kappa back to Core facilities in Rho, we noted an increase of traffic to Corinth station were we were investigating. In addition to the already known IRG and Auxesia groups encountered in the region, we noted the presence of several units of the Coalition and Order, which until now were not active in the crisis. The intervention of the Nomads and the news of the deployment of weapons of mass destruction must have piqued their active interests.
Furthermore, we have encountered the most unexpected asset in the region, Kusari Battlecruiser KDS-Izu, on assignment to the Kempeitai before their defection, and according to the word of its captain Shizu. The captain showed cooperation and interest in working with us, and escorted us while we made a preliminary survey on the crippled Freeport.
The Izu has been active for several months in the region, and seems to be a good source of additional intel that we hadn't acquired so far. I hope to receive soon an extended report from the captain and its crew, and include it in the next assessment report. Meanwhile, both the Zanza and the Izu will be ported at the Alabama Shipyard, and continue doing surveys of the afflicted systems.
I would like to request a courier shuttle to be sent to our post in Omicron Rho, for the purpose of retrieving several important "packages" back to kusari. I would also like to request KNF high command to provide a verdict on the status of the KDS-Izu, and issue any additional orders if necessary, given the situation.
[12.01.2017 22:13:50] 2017-01-12 22:13:48 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:13:50] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: New contact in range.
[12.01.2017 22:13:51] Changing screen mode=windowed
[12.01.2017 22:13:57] Changing screen mode=full
[12.01.2017 22:14:06] 2017-01-12 22:14:04 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:14:06] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: A KNF transponder.
[12.01.2017 22:14:12] 2017-01-12 22:14:09 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:14:12] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: ??
[12.01.2017 22:14:18] 2017-01-12 22:14:16 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:14:18] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Helmsman, turn us around.
[12.01.2017 22:14:31] 2017-01-12 22:14:29 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:14:31] KDS-Izu: arigato
[12.01.2017 22:14:49] 2017-01-12 22:14:47 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:14:49] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: This is Commander Arima of the Naval Forces, 66th Expeditionary taskforce.
[12.01.2017 22:15:01] 2017-01-12 22:14:59 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:15:01] KDS-Izu: I know who you are
[12.01.2017 22:15:13] 2017-01-12 22:15:10 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:15:13] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Commander of the vessel, identify your rank and unit.
[12.01.2017 22:15:55] 2017-01-12 22:15:52 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:15:55] KDS-Izu: I am Captain Shizu of the Kempetai
[12.01.2017 22:15:57] 2017-01-12 22:15:55 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:15:57] KDS-Izu: RG
[12.01.2017 22:16:01] 2017-01-12 22:15:59 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:16:01] KDS-Izu: Republican Guard
[12.01.2017 22:16:37] 2017-01-12 22:16:35 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:16:37] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Ohhh, a "republican" kempeitai? I thought that they had been assimilated into the new structures.
[12.01.2017 22:16:47] 2017-01-12 22:16:45 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:16:47] KDS-Izu: new>?
[12.01.2017 22:17:04] 2017-01-12 22:17:02 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:17:04] KDS-Izu: We serve Kusari
[12.01.2017 22:17:11] 2017-01-12 22:17:09 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:17:11] Death: Black-9 was put out of action by A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith (Gun).
[12.01.2017 22:17:19] 2017-01-12 22:17:17 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:17:19] KDS-Izu: I am here gathering intel on the current events in delta
[12.01.2017 22:17:31] 2017-01-12 22:17:29 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:17:31] {AFC}-The.Huntsman[B]: was clear just now..
[12.01.2017 22:17:38] 2017-01-12 22:17:36 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:17:38] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Captain Shizu, the Kempeitai has been declared a rebellious unit, and outlawed by the Government.
[12.01.2017 22:17:44] 2017-01-12 22:17:42 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:17:44] Nin'gal: "You should gather somewhere else, your kind is not welcome in our void."
[12.01.2017 22:17:46] 2017-01-12 22:17:44 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:17:46] KDS-Izu: most threats against our house can be found in these lawless drifts of space
[12.01.2017 22:17:49] 2017-01-12 22:17:47 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:17:49] {AFC}-The.Huntsman[B]: also ...some zoner allies there to offer escort.
[12.01.2017 22:18:01] 2017-01-12 22:17:59 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:18:01] WV-Umbra: ?: Cut here.
[12.01.2017 22:18:06] 2017-01-12 22:18:04 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:18:06] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: That is correct officer.
[12.01.2017 22:18:07] 2017-01-12 22:18:05 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:18:07] Death: BMF|Westfield.Xpress was put out of action by C::Icarus;Augustopolos (Gun).
[12.01.2017 22:18:23] 2017-01-12 22:18:21 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:18:23] WV-Umbra: ?: Hmm... You're clear anyway...
[12.01.2017 22:18:30] 2017-01-12 22:18:28 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:18:30] Nin'gal: "Darklings.."
[12.01.2017 22:18:41] 2017-01-12 22:18:39 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:18:41] KDS-Izu: ~We are not rebellious and this ship is under your command
[12.01.2017 22:19:08] 2017-01-12 22:19:06 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:19:08] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Understood officer, we will discuss this matter later on.
[12.01.2017 22:19:15] 2017-01-12 22:19:13 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:19:15] KDS-Izu: roger
[12.01.2017 22:19:20] 2017-01-12 22:19:18 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:19:20] Death: BMF|Centauro was put out of action by C::Icarus;Augustopolos (Gun).
[12.01.2017 22:19:25] 2017-01-12 22:19:22 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:19:25] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: For now, we must be wary of the region threats.
[12.01.2017 22:19:28] 2017-01-12 22:19:26 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:19:28] A/)-Peitho.1: What.
[12.01.2017 22:19:28] 2017-01-12 22:19:26 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:19:28] KDS-Izu: oh look a birdy
[12.01.2017 22:19:30] 2017-01-12 22:19:28 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:19:30] WV-Umbra: ?: So many battlecruiser...
[12.01.2017 22:19:35] 2017-01-12 22:19:33 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:19:35] A/)-Peitho.1: Okay.
[12.01.2017 22:19:39] 2017-01-12 22:19:36 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:19:39] WV-Umbra: ?: Battlecruisers, rathe.r
[12.01.2017 22:19:41] 2017-01-12 22:19:38 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:19:41] A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith: R: Alright.
[12.01.2017 22:19:55] 2017-01-12 22:19:53 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:19:55] Lambda: Alex: Naval Forces?
[12.01.2017 22:20:09] 2017-01-12 22:20:07 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:20:09] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Order agents, as expected of this situation.
[12.01.2017 22:20:22] 2017-01-12 22:20:20 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:20:22] Lambda: Alex: I'm not on duty right now.
[12.01.2017 22:20:45] 2017-01-12 22:20:43 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:20:45] KDS-Izu: the freeport was disabled by the AOI
[12.01.2017 22:20:46] 2017-01-12 22:20:43 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:20:46] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Arima: First time I've heard of a "off duty " terrorist agent.
[12.01.2017 22:21:08] 2017-01-12 22:21:06 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:21:08] KDS-Izu: they have used Core as the cover for their attack
[12.01.2017 22:21:14] 2017-01-12 22:21:12 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:21:14] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Arima: So you managed to find that much so far, hmmm?
[12.01.2017 22:21:23] 2017-01-12 22:21:20 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:21:23] KDS-Izu: Aoi have infiltrated vast sways of this region
[12.01.2017 22:21:30] 2017-01-12 22:21:27 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:21:30] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: What is the current status of the station?
[12.01.2017 22:21:32] 2017-01-12 22:21:30 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:21:32] KDS-Izu: I have lots to report
[12.01.2017 22:21:39] 2017-01-12 22:21:37 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:21:39] KDS-Izu: still offline
[12.01.2017 22:21:41] 2017-01-12 22:21:39 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:21:41] Lambda: Alex: Well then... Good luck with whatever youre doing, I'm in a hurry.
[12.01.2017 22:22:13] 2017-01-12 22:22:11 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:22:13] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Is there a current no go zone around the station?
[12.01.2017 22:22:26] 2017-01-12 22:22:24 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:22:26] KDS-Izu: What is the KNF doing in these parts?
[12.01.2017 22:22:34] 2017-01-12 22:22:32 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:22:34] KDS-Izu: There is a radiation cloud
[12.01.2017 22:22:47] 2017-01-12 22:22:45 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:22:47] KDS-Izu: but it wont effect you
[12.01.2017 22:22:57] 2017-01-12 22:22:55 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:22:57] KDS-Izu: A nuclear was activated next to the station
[12.01.2017 22:23:03] 2017-01-12 22:23:01 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:23:03] KDS-Izu: weapon*
[12.01.2017 22:23:14] 2017-01-12 22:23:12 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:23:14] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Seems you've been away from home for a while, officer. Guess we also have some things to brief you too.
[12.01.2017 22:23:23] 2017-01-12 22:23:21 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:23:23] KDS-Izu: excellent
[12.01.2017 22:23:42] 2017-01-12 22:23:40 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:23:42] KDS-Izu: you should know I detected at least to missing Kusari Warships in this system
[12.01.2017 22:23:52] 2017-01-12 22:23:50 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:23:52] KDS-Izu: two*
[12.01.2017 22:24:02] 2017-01-12 22:24:00 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:24:02] KDS-Izu: Both infected by the AOI
[12.01.2017 22:24:13] 2017-01-12 22:24:11 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:24:13] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Two missing vessels? You're positive about that?
[12.01.2017 22:24:20] 2017-01-12 22:24:18 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:24:20] KDS-Izu: indeed
[12.01.2017 22:24:30] 2017-01-12 22:24:28 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:24:30] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Arima: Were they takeda class destroyers?
[12.01.2017 22:24:41] 2017-01-12 22:24:39 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:24:41] KDS-Izu: Akegata|Aoi a kusair gb and Seiryuu|Aoi
[12.01.2017 22:24:46] 2017-01-12 22:24:43 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:24:46] KDS-Izu: Komainu class
[12.01.2017 22:24:55] 2017-01-12 22:24:53 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:24:55] KDS-Izu: they were there during the attack on FP11
[12.01.2017 22:25:19] 2017-01-12 22:25:17 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:25:19] KDS-Izu: I fear the repurcussion for our house from the use of our vessels in such attacks
[12.01.2017 22:25:24] 2017-01-12 22:25:22 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:25:24] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: The Seiryuu... that thing is still roaming these parts...
[12.01.2017 22:27:14] 2017-01-12 22:27:12 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:27:14] Death: Kane_NOD was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[12.01.2017 22:27:44] 2017-01-12 22:27:42 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:27:44] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Nomad assault ended.
[12.01.2017 22:28:03] 2017-01-12 22:28:01 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:28:03] Nin'gal: "Do, you really think the Light will surrender?"
[12.01.2017 22:28:10] 2017-01-12 22:28:08 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:28:10] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: It really is heavy radiation, the readings are really high.
[12.01.2017 22:28:27] 2017-01-12 22:28:25 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:28:27] KDS-Izu: Terrorists are using NEMP bombs now to hold others to ransom
[12.01.2017 22:28:34] 2017-01-12 22:28:32 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:28:34] KDS-Izu: it was a NEMP bomb that did this
[12.01.2017 22:28:50] 2017-01-12 22:28:47 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:28:50] KDS-Izu: High command must be made aware incase any find their way into Kusari
[12.01.2017 22:28:50] 2017-01-12 22:28:48 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:28:50] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Arima: Gathering readings. These should provide us some details.
[12.01.2017 22:29:14] 2017-01-12 22:29:12 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:29:14] Nin'gal: "Darklings, why does your kind understand to destroy themself?"
[12.01.2017 22:29:27] 2017-01-12 22:29:24 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:29:27] KDS-Izu: Predator detected
[12.01.2017 22:29:42] 2017-01-12 22:29:40 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:29:42] Death: WV-Umbra was put out of action by A/)-ACV-Eidolon.Wraith (Gun).
[12.01.2017 22:29:47] 2017-01-12 22:29:45 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:29:47] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: We have it in sights.
[12.01.2017 22:30:20] 2017-01-12 22:30:18 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:30:20] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Seems to have a different behaviour.
[12.01.2017 22:30:23] 2017-01-12 22:30:20 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:30:23] Nin'gal: "The light will purge you Darklings."
[12.01.2017 22:30:39] 2017-01-12 22:30:37 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:30:39] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Helmsman, ahead full.-
[12.01.2017 22:31:27] 2017-01-12 22:31:25 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:31:27] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: This is trully enemy territory. They feel emboldened without the constant traffic in the system.-
[12.01.2017 22:31:58] 2017-01-12 22:31:56 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:31:58] Nin'gal: **...-it-../seems/..-ours-.."is"-/very/...-~commong~../to/..-yours-...***
[12.01.2017 22:32:51] 2017-01-12 22:32:49 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:32:51] Death: Illyasviel_Von_Einzbern was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[12.01.2017 22:33:03] 2017-01-12 22:33:01 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:33:03] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Arima: Wouldn't like to say Nomads are our specialty, but the 66th can't operate without knowing more than many about them.
[12.01.2017 22:33:23] 2017-01-12 22:33:21 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:33:23] KDS-Izu: What have you learned?
[12.01.2017 22:33:26] 2017-01-12 22:33:24 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:33:26] Death: A/)-Peitho.1 suffered a self-administered loadout error (Mine).
[12.01.2017 22:33:56] 2017-01-12 22:33:54 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:33:56] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: They are persistent hunters, I give them that.
[12.01.2017 22:34:00] Did you end up lost? Can't find your way back? Use the Interactive NavMap on our forums.
[12.01.2017 22:34:20] 2017-01-12 22:34:18 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:34:20] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Officer Shizu, focus on return fire only.
[12.01.2017 22:34:43] 2017-01-12 22:34:41 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:34:43] KDS-Izu: sorry I was shooting the N.P.C vessels
[12.01.2017 22:35:24] 2017-01-12 22:35:21 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:35:24] Nin'gal: "Explain yourself Darkling, what are you doing here?"
[12.01.2017 22:35:24] 2017-01-12 22:35:21 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:35:24] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Seems it's not only this probe that is shadowing us so far.
[12.01.2017 22:36:47] 2017-01-12 22:36:44 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:36:47] Nin'gal: "...Darkling?..."
[12.01.2017 22:36:52] 2017-01-12 22:36:50 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:36:52] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Officer, what is the condition of the Izu? It must have been in space for months now.
[12.01.2017 22:37:21] 2017-01-12 22:37:19 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:37:21] KDS-Izu: its stable we have been given lodgings by the core on Alabam
[12.01.2017 22:37:29] 2017-01-12 22:37:27 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:37:29] KDS-Izu: a shipyard in the Rho sector
[12.01.2017 22:37:50] 2017-01-12 22:37:48 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:37:50] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Good, at least the old deals still remain it seems.
[12.01.2017 22:38:05] 2017-01-12 22:38:03 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:38:05] KDS-Izu: It does the core have been most kind
[12.01.2017 22:38:20] 2017-01-12 22:38:18 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:38:20] KDS-Izu: As much as I want to help them I cant without endangering this vessel
[12.01.2017 22:38:57] 2017-01-12 22:38:55 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:38:57] KDS-Izu: Scra vessel on scanners
[12.01.2017 22:39:05] 2017-01-12 22:39:02 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:39:05] [ALG]-V-Ybbs: Lena: Er....greetings, Kusari ships.
[12.01.2017 22:39:28] 2017-01-12 22:39:25 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:39:28] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Arima: Quite a large vessel, maybe cruiser type.
[12.01.2017 22:39:28] 2017-01-12 22:39:26 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:39:28] KDS-Izu: Typhoon cruiser class
[12.01.2017 22:39:54] 2017-01-12 22:39:52 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:39:54] Death: Illyasviel_Von_Einzbern was put out of action by a hostile vessel.
[12.01.2017 22:40:02] 2017-01-12 22:40:00 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:40:02] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: ALG transponders in range.
[12.01.2017 22:40:43] 2017-01-12 22:40:41 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:40:43] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Seem to be on the same route as the communist vessel.
[12.01.2017 22:41:09] 2017-01-12 22:41:07 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:41:09] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Uplink with the Core communications established.
[12.01.2017 22:41:34] 2017-01-12 22:41:32 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:41:34] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: We have been given the clear signal to move to Rho, and regroup at Alabama.
[12.01.2017 22:41:52] 2017-01-12 22:41:49 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:41:52] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Engage cruise engines to the asteroid field, officer.
[12.01.2017 22:42:00] 2017-01-12 22:41:58 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:42:00] KDS-Izu: engaged
[12.01.2017 22:42:53] 2017-01-12 22:42:51 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:42:53] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Seems things have quieted down around here.
[12.01.2017 22:43:09] 2017-01-12 22:43:07 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:43:09] KDS-Izu: yes too quiet
[12.01.2017 22:43:19] 2017-01-12 22:43:16 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:43:19] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Proceed to jump when able.
[12.01.2017 22:43:24] 2017-01-12 22:43:22 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:43:24] KDS-Izu: just so you are aware I was attacked earlier by Auxesian vesseels
[12.01.2017 22:43:42] Changing screen mode=windowed
[12.01.2017 22:44:15] Changing screen mode=full
[12.01.2017 22:44:19] 2017-01-12 22:44:17 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:44:19] Death: CR|-Grey.02 was put out of action by CR|-Hellfire (Gun).
[12.01.2017 22:44:45] 2017-01-12 22:44:43 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:44:45] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: The Auxesia organization is under investigation by the Kusari republic. Any intel you can provide would be most helpful.
[12.01.2017 22:44:58] 2017-01-12 22:44:56 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:44:58] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Under what circunstances were you attacked?
[12.01.2017 22:45:07] Changing screen mode=windowed
[12.01.2017 22:45:59] Changing screen mode=full
[12.01.2017 22:46:55] 2017-01-12 22:46:53 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:46:55] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Commander?
[12.01.2017 22:47:07] Changing screen mode=windowed
[12.01.2017 22:48:00] 2017-01-12 22:47:58 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:48:01] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: ??
[12.01.2017 22:48:42] 2017-01-12 22:48:40 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:48:42] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Very well, I believe you can file in those details later on.
[12.01.2017 22:50:00] 2017-01-12 22:49:58 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:50:00] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Your situation is highly abnormal. We expected all the agents outside Kusari that were loyal to the Republic to have reported -
[12.01.2017 22:50:11] 2017-01-12 22:50:09 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:50:11] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: back once we had sent the request.
[12.01.2017 22:50:50] 2017-01-12 22:50:48 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:50:50] KDS-Izu: sorry I was away from my controls
[12.01.2017 22:51:03] 2017-01-12 22:51:00 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:51:03] KDS-Izu: I went to Kappa to investigate what was going on there
[12.01.2017 22:51:18] 2017-01-12 22:51:16 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:51:18] KDS-Izu: when I stumbled across a Coalition GB that was being quite aggressive
[12.01.2017 22:51:24] 2017-01-12 22:51:22 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:51:24] KDS-Izu: it opened fire and i destroyed it
[12.01.2017 22:51:49] 2017-01-12 22:51:46 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:51:49] KDS-Izu: later when a zoner fleet and the auxesians arrived before a fight with the Core
[12.01.2017 22:51:58] 2017-01-12 22:51:56 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:51:58] KDS-Izu: once the core were destroyed they turned on me
[12.01.2017 22:52:09] 2017-01-12 22:52:07 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:52:09] KDS-Izu: with one of the auxesians quoting I had killed a Zoner ally
[12.01.2017 22:52:25] 2017-01-12 22:52:23 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:52:25] KDS-Izu: and thus must be removed as I am hindering any progress they are trying to make
[12.01.2017 22:52:52] 2017-01-12 22:52:49 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:52:52] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Interesting turn of events.
[12.01.2017 22:53:34] 2017-01-12 22:53:31 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:53:34] Death: CR|-Grey.02 was put out of action by CR|-Hellfire (Gun).
[12.01.2017 22:54:13] 2017-01-12 22:54:10 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:54:13] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Not sure what was your original mission, but ours is to recover intel on the events, and inform Kusari accurately.
[12.01.2017 22:54:20] Running two or more instances of Discovery Freelancer (Be it on the same machine, a second computer/laptop or other means) for your own financial benefit is considered as cheating and will result in the complete deletion of your ingame assets.
[12.01.2017 22:54:53] 2017-01-12 22:54:51 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:54:53] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: We should avoid involving ourselves in their local political games for the sake of our mission continuity.
[12.01.2017 22:54:55] 2017-01-12 22:54:53 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:54:55] KDS-Izu: I will file a report
[12.01.2017 22:55:27] 2017-01-12 22:55:25 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:55:27] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: You did well in defending yourself, but attempt to dispel any perception of allegiances others may have about our work.
[12.01.2017 22:55:39] 2017-01-12 22:55:37 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:55:39] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: We are here to observe so far, not to intervene.
[12.01.2017 22:56:32] 2017-01-12 22:56:29 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:56:32] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Let us do this way.
[12.01.2017 22:56:53] 2017-01-12 22:56:51 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:56:53] KDS-Izu: ok
[12.01.2017 22:57:08] 2017-01-12 22:57:06 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:57:08] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: You can send your informations to me, Arima Soujirou, with a copy for the KNF.
[12.01.2017 22:57:31] 2017-01-12 22:57:29 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:57:31] KDS-Izu: Right away Arima
[12.01.2017 22:57:40] 2017-01-12 22:57:38 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:57:40] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Meanwhile, I'll contact KNF High command about your situation, and try to reorganize your status with the Naval Forces.
[12.01.2017 22:57:53] 2017-01-12 22:57:51 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:57:53] KDS-Izu: that would be very helpful
[12.01.2017 22:58:04] 2017-01-12 22:58:01 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:58:04] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Hopefully we can integrate your work into our efforts.
[12.01.2017 22:58:10] 2017-01-12 22:58:07 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:58:10] Death: MEC-Enigma suffered a self-inflicted catastrophic decompression.
[12.01.2017 22:58:38] Changing screen mode=full
[12.01.2017 22:58:49] Changing screen mode=windowed
[12.01.2017 22:59:35] 2017-01-12 22:59:33 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:59:35] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: I'll investigate the data about Auxesia, and in time inform Core about your presence as well.
[12.01.2017 22:59:37] 2017-01-12 22:59:35 SMT
[12.01.2017 22:59:37] KDS-Izu: Auxesians have a liberty dread under their command
[12.01.2017 23:00:03] 2017-01-12 23:00:01 SMT
[12.01.2017 23:00:03] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: We have confirmed that intel. Why do they have it is not clear yet.
[12.01.2017 23:00:07] 2017-01-12 23:00:05 SMT
[12.01.2017 23:00:07] Death: WV-Das_Auto was put out of action by Core|AV-Raptrix (Gun).
[12.01.2017 23:00:28] 2017-01-12 23:00:25 SMT
[12.01.2017 23:00:28] KDS-Izu: a ship fro the Navys Fifth fleet
[12.01.2017 23:00:44] 2017-01-12 23:00:42 SMT
[12.01.2017 23:00:44] KDS-Izu: LNS Cincinnati defected to the Auxesian battlegroup
[12.01.2017 23:00:54] 2017-01-12 23:00:52 SMT
[12.01.2017 23:00:54] KDS-Izu: it is now the Arktos
[12.01.2017 23:01:01] 2017-01-12 23:00:59 SMT
[12.01.2017 23:01:01] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: For the coming days, keep operating as you were. Observe the traffic in Delta and Kappa, and note any actions from-
[12.01.2017 23:01:05] 2017-01-12 23:01:03 SMT
[12.01.2017 23:01:05] KDS-Izu: it is not a very well captained ship
[12.01.2017 23:01:06] 2017-01-12 23:01:04 SMT
[12.01.2017 23:01:06] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: the organizations.
[12.01.2017 23:01:18] 2017-01-12 23:01:16 SMT
[12.01.2017 23:01:18] KDS-Izu: I will
[12.01.2017 23:01:50] 2017-01-12 23:01:48 SMT
[12.01.2017 23:01:50] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: I'll investigate about that Cincinnati lead. If you have any evidence of that story, pass it to me when able.
[12.01.2017 23:01:58] 2017-01-12 23:01:56 SMT
[12.01.2017 23:01:58] KDS-Izu: rgr
[12.01.2017 23:02:24] 2017-01-12 23:02:22 SMT
[12.01.2017 23:02:24] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: That is all for today. Restock and ressuply, and return to duty. The Zanza will dock with the Alabama.
[12.01.2017 23:02:37] Changing screen mode=full
[12.01.2017 23:02:38] 2017-01-12 23:02:35 SMT
[12.01.2017 23:02:38] KDS-Izu: safe flight arima
[12.01.2017 23:02:48] 2017-01-12 23:02:46 SMT
[12.01.2017 23:02:48] [KNF]KDS-Zanza|66th: Likewise Commander, stay safe.
Recent days saw the tensions and activity dying down around the Freeport and Omicron Delta, with the zoners rapidly repairing and rebuilding the damaged installation, and entrenching themselves with heavy defenses against any further incursions.
Situation has also calmed down around the Core circles, with news of the Guildmaster Jack Daniels suffering some sort of attack on his person, with eventual recovery. The indication of high ranking Core agents instigating the attacks and going against the Core leadership has sprang some rumours of nomad interference, but were too few and too quickly silenced out for us to act upon them.
I do say however, that the nomad activity is high on this area. The KNF transport that was supposed to take a secured hard copy of our findings these past weeks back to Kusari was attacked by human agents aligned with the Nomads, which we linked to the Aoi Iseijin group. The data was lost with the freighter, and with it a lot of our efforts in uncovering the fate of the operation Kumo taskforce.
With that said, I have decided to report to KNI command that our operations force with withdraw from the Zanza battlegroup, and return to Kusari to pursue other investigations, that are many and as important as the current one. Should the KNF see interest in extending the KNI cooperation in the Delta case, Command will be receptive of any new requests.
Comm ID:Kiyoko Hayashimura, Itto Kaisa. Location:Battleship Nagumo, Kyushu system. Recipient:66SED, CELL SUZUKI, TOKKCOM Topic:Operation Uebu no Kaimei
Itto Kaisa Hayashimura speaking,
All remaining elements of 66SED, CELL SUZUKI, KISF and 2 DIV from TOKKCOM in the Omicrons are ordered to return to Kusari to reinforce the forces in Kyushu repelling the Nomad incursion. Operation Uebu no Kaimei will be halted until further notice, all reports regarding the progress of the operations are to be archived upon arrival to Kusari space.
That should be all.
Hayashimura out.
Kiyoko Hayashimura, Itto Kaisa
CO 66th Special Expeditionary Division
5FLT, Kusari Naval Forces