Guten tag zoners. Since I was attacked by one of your members (jason_meyers) yesterday in New Berlin and I've noticed relatively often presence of your ships near Vogtland, I must ask you about your relationships to us.
Since this was first encounter between RHA and ~]SEF[~, this letter is only for my personal usage. If you want to be hostile to us, give us know about it. Anyway if one of your ships attack one of us again, I must inform our high command about that. Im sure our response can hurt your clan and I bet rest of zoners will not fight for you because RHA is known as organization accepting neutrality of zoners and as organisation which allways keep no-fighting zones around zoner facilities.
I hope your response on this letter will come soon or better noone from your clan will be seen in battle against RHA again.
PS: sorry for Jason Meyers killed in last battle in New Berlin...I dint saw his pod after, hope he died without pain.
Signed Shimada Kambei - oberstleutnant of Red Hessian Army