Righto so in some balance update (i cant find the link though im sure someone has it) Heavy Transport Turrets where supposed to be changed to only be mountable and work on Battle Transports. did this get implemented ? Because I mounted one on my 5K transport...
So is the mechanism Broken/bugged or just not implemented ?
Also are liners supposed to be able to mount these ? (Yes i know they're Liner's and Not battle transports but they have exact Same Core and Similar amount of guns)
any feed back would be great.
[14.03.2021 12:15:25] BRR!-Buckfast: How about 10 millon pal!
[14.03.2021 12:15:37] BRR!-Buckfast: Your Majesty The Rich Director!
[14.03.2021 12:15:45] Gateway|-GSX-Triebfeder: Thats more like it
[14.03.2021 12:15:56] Gateway|-GSX-Triebfeder: Very Well you may have the Honour of my credits