Well I finally saw the film. Now I grew up on the story of the stolen Death Star Plans in the PC Game 'Star Wars: Dark Forces' with it's initial mission having Kyle Katarn steal the plans from an imperial base and blast his way out as part of Operation Skyhook. So when I heard the premise of Rogue One and how it telling a different tale I wasn't impressed.
So when I saw the film I still wasn't onboard with it. As a stand-alone film without any knowledge of the Expanded Universe I guess it would actually be a good film for novice Star Wars Fans.
So while I was still mildly entertained I wasn't really into it.
Near the end when I saw Darth Vader himself in all his terrifying glory literally carving a bloody path through the Rebel Troopers trying desperately to hold him off until the plans could be passed on through the broken door, knowing they were toast. That was one scene that made me feel 'Darth Vader is SCARY!' and yet 'AWESOME!'.
So Even despite this I still am not a big fan of the film overall.
To be honest, this movie was more Star Wars than the the stupid The Force Awakens. I was really impressed by Rogue One as it actually had everything that I expect from a Star Wars movie, although it was a bit unusual. Like, the fight at the planetary shield generator? Awesome. I just wished they would have shown the Star Destroyers actually doing something rather than just "standing there". The rebel fleet. Awesome. Planetary battle with AT-ATs? Awesome. Dark Troops? Awesome. Blind guy running into the crossfire just to die so the great made-up character doesn't need to appear in the original movies? Eh, okay.
Seriously, if you want to see a Star Wars movie, watch Rogue One and not The Fart Awakens. Like
he better had kept up the mask. There was laughter in the movie theatre when he revealed his face. I don't want a young Severus Snape to be the oh-so evil badguy.
Rogue One however didn't need that. They had this stupid duo of Death Star technicians Erso and Krennic that was more "okay-ish" but they also had Tarkin and all that. Isn't it awesome what they can do with CGI now? Like, the same with the ending scene with Leia showing up. The actual Leia from A New Hope. That really impressed me.
Rogue One really impressed me with the scales of space fights. Like, the final fight was one of the most, if not biggest space fights in the entire trilogy. And BLOODY XWINGS, MATE!
Also, the real Grand Moff Tarkin and Leia Organa were almost the same with CGI graphics. But I can't say who's th real antagonist of the film. Most certainly, it's a Death Star itself.