The first agricultural cooperatives were created on Yuma in the 820 A.S. when the Crayter Republic build the floating farms of Yuma. However , the first few months proved that the farmers needs a better organisation and ways to increase the product output.
The first agricultural cooperatives were created in the Emerald sea , in the upper equatorial region. They have become one of the tools of agricultural development on Yuma. Farmers also cooperated to form mutual farm societies.
Farm cooperatives aggregate purchases, storage, and distribution of farm inputs for their members. By taking advantage of volume discounts and utilizing other economies of scale, supply cooperatives bring down the cost of the inputs that the members purchase from the cooperative compared with direct purchases from commercial suppliers. Supply cooperatives provide inputs required for agricultural production including seeds, fertilizers, chemicals, fuel, and farm machinery. Some supply cooperatives operate machinery pools that provide mechanical field services to their members.
Also related is Farm Credit Union. They were created in the same periods, with the initial purpose of offering farm loans.
The Co-operatives allowed for some of the influent people to put the funds into and that is how the current agricultural reached it’s peak on Yuma , been able suppliment imports of food , thus been no food shortage and to maintain a reserve stock in case of emergency.
The Co-Op used the new Synth crop to the maximum and developed technologies accordingly to be able to increase the yield. The farmers are always looking toward the genetically improved seeds for a better seeds and they are also looking for the time when they can build farms on the soil and to start exploiting the continents of Yuma.
The Yuma Ocean Farming Co-operatives have facilities in the form of agricultural islands of New Rhodes, New Cyprus,New Bosphorus,New Athos ; New Tiraspol , New Cysreica; and New Kenosha, New Sumatra.
The cooperative have in it’s employment roughly 60,000 workers and it doesn’t have any localised HQ , each one of the islands is operating as a HQ if necessary.
For the future , the Cooperative is looking to build more farms and to be able to export their goods outside Crayter Republic.