I've fractured a few vertabroskis in my lower back in a minor car accident. I cba getting out of bed until i can walk without feeling like im about to rip my back muscles off so i'll be off for a few more days.
P.S. dont wear seatbelts kids, they snap your necks.
Sad to read. Was someone around to make a video of the accident and people dying instead of calling for help? Get well soon, Shalo can't USI around on his own.
(09-18-2017, 06:35 PM)Eurobeat Wrote: I cba getting out of bed until i can walk without feeling like im about to rip my back muscles off so i'll be off for a few more days.
Get gud soon <3
(09-18-2017, 06:38 PM)Sombra Hookier Wrote: Shalo can't USI around on his own.
Nah it was just me, i hit an ostrich and swerved too late, jumped off the road into a ditch, neck snapped forward bc seatbeld was holding my body back, it pulled so hard that my lowerback stretched
Sorry to hear that. The seatbelt prevented you from crashing through the window and getting hurt worse. Although spinal injury is pretty bad. All i can say is your lucky to be alive. Get well soon mate