*****starting transmission*****
encryption: very high
From: Carl Bergmann, TAZ
To: SCRA Shiyard Commissary
Kallisti comrades,
Since long time I look on some of Your shiplines with envy. They look so nice, especially The VHF and the gunboat. These constructions are somewhat delicious and show the best of socialist work.
Now I am in the need of a few new ships, and so I would like to buy a small ship for my personal use first, to be able to visit other stations without the need of a full crew. This is the reason whyI am asking for permission to buy a XKR-151-B Insurgent without any equipment or weaponry.
But I would ask for some small changes. I would need a bigger cockpit with enough place for at least one passenger. If this change would make the ship "weaker", then it may be so.
Awaiting your hopefully positive answer,
23´s Carl out
ID: Lidya Kravchenko Nikonova Rank: Commander Political position: First Secretary of the CPSC Encryption: Medium
Zdravstvuyte, gospodin Bergmann,
the Coalition and its people are thankful for the pride that you let us feel with your words over our equipment. The Temporary Autonomous Zoners have been a close and trusted ally by the Sirius Coalition so far. However, the Field Marshal is concerned, as much as he thinks about the allies of the Coalition, over the security risks for you. There are a lot of vessels that you may use which will not get you in conflicts with authorities or similar. If you could provide a reason for your wish to obtain one of our ships, it would make it easier for us to judge.
Glory to the Motherland, Glory to the Communist Party and the people.
Lidya Kravchenko Nikonova
First Secretary of the CPSC
To: Lidya Kravchenko Nikonova/First Secretary of the CPSC
Kallisti Ma´am!
What should I say? I can fly nearly every tincan in Sirius if I want to, yes, and I do so with an old, humble, and ugly ship, that I once bought for a low price. But when I saw this fine piece of technology and design of Yours for the first time, I did instantly fall in love. Away from that I consider the Insurgent beeing free from fnords, so travelling with such a ship would be very cozy and relaxed.
Like I said before, this ship would be used in first place to visit some of our friends in the outskirts of the Sirius sector. It would also serve as a war vessel if the Garlics would try to invade our beloved home Baffin. And I definately can assure You, that I don´t want to commit suicide by wandering around in -perhaps- Liberty Space.
But this ship would be very helpful if I need to fly into the more dangerous zones in the omegas, omicrons, or taus .
And - not least it would always give an example of the good relations between our organizations everywhere. I will be seen with this vessel. People could ask about it, and what they will hear then would differ from what they would hear from their governed networks. For me it also would be a perfect ship to plant the seed of distrust and critical reflection into the cabbage.
I hope, my answer sounds as reasonable as it isn´t. But why should I fly around in an ugly tincan if I can do the same in a fine beauty of a ship?
ID: Lidya Kravchenko Nikonova Rank: Commander Political position: First Secretary of the CPSC Encryption: Medium
Zdravstvuyte, gospodin Bergmann,
I assume that you are aware of what you are doing. As long as any of your actions to do not harm the Coalition and its respective people, you can consider your request as accepted. We hope that you can somehow spread our message through the capitalistic space without being shot down without a warning.
Glory to the Motherland, Glory to the Communist Party and the people.
Lidya Kravchenko Nikonova
First Secretary of the CPSC
A spare Partisan chassis and the necessary components have been sourced following the CPSC and Field Marshal's assent to your request to acquire one of our combat fighters for your personal use. It has been reconfigured to the Insurgent configuration, and room has been made for the additional passenger's seat in the cockpit. Per your request no weapons have been mounted with the craft; though we expect at least a ten percent reduction in the fighter's combat efficiency if you do mount your own weapons later, due both to technical incompatibilities and the additional bulk of a second cockpit chair.
Report to Zvezdny Gorodok immediately for retrieval of the craft. Verify with the quartermaster its retrieval and final fitting, and inform Coalition Command after you have departed.
To: Lidya Kravchenko Nikonova, First Secretary of the CPSC
Kallisti Ma´am!
You´ve made an old pope happy! Thank You very much for your kind decision, this new vessel will be in good hands. I´ll visit Zvezdny Gorodok as soon as possible to have a look at the new craft there.
So I am here, I could not wait to look for my new ship. Meet me at the bar, where we can talk about all the specifications. I was so eager, that I needed to visit the hangar, where the new vessel is stored. Oh my gosh, You can`t think of my face, when I saw her, I am really impressed.
Meanwhile I had a few drinks with some of the workers, who told me some hints and thoughts about what to install and how. One of them was called Yuri? Something like that; nice people and real socialists.
Also I found a good name for the ship. It will be named [TAZ]Klassenkampf. Maybe some people will think about that...
Like I said, I am waiting at the bar with a bottle of Vodka.
Greetings and 23`s, Carl Bergmann