I dont have enough money for the dreadnought =(
and I like the osiris ,ez to fly n looks good.
Are'nt the order terrorists? (they are in the campaign/SP)
they are friendly with corsairs why are'nt rogues friendly then.....?
Im confused :wacko:
I work for the Outcasts but the character and the crew are still liberty rogues
+liberty rogues are cool! cardamine FTW
made a succesful run to manhattan :D
anyone got anything against that Im flying an order ship with a rogue char and
doing jobs for the outcasts? /or flying around with an outcast id and deliver cardamine?
I really like the osiris and being a liberty rogue... :ylove:
Liberty Rogues - Stockholm_FCS - Osiris - Liberty Rogue commander Pike Zoners - [MiD]Lajeust.bank - Osiris - MiD bank Xenos - {NG}Spacefrog - Eagle - lazy terrorist guy