Hi, i wanted to transfer an cap armour 7 from my bs to my storage ship in Conn.
I asked a player with enough cargohold to help me. (He is a very kind person, thank him!
But the armour doesn't wants to transfer into his cargohold!
Also, i tryed to drop (eject) it but it doesn't eject.
A 2weeks ago, i successfully transfered Armour 6 with help of a mate.
If the armor is not showing up in the trade window for you, make sure to de-mount the armor upgrade with the equipment dealer window open on a base. I've heard a rumor that if you de-mount certain pieces of ship equipment without the equipment dealer, it will temporarily take up double the standard cargo space, although I believe that's only with Player Owned Base produced equipment - cloaks, cloak disruptors and the like.
the armour is unmounted, and it's shoun in the trade window.I have mounted another armour so this for the transfer is in the cargohold, but doesn't want to transfer...
Maybe ensure that the person helping with the transfer has at least double the cargo hold required to carry the Cap 7? That's all I can think of at this point.
Player that helps you need to have enough FREE space in cargo hold, so 300 free cargo space will do. If that is setled, then he do something wrong, try to trade with some other player in conn.
Ah, One more time thing, if one who recive armour has enough cargo space, but has to much diferent kind of things, like lots of Codename guns in cargo , Equipment, lots of diferent samples of goods (outside of conn naturaly) , that can be reason to.