Current rule:
5.3 Intentionally ramming a capital ship with a smaller ship in order to ''flip'' it or ramming a capital ship in order to ''catapult'' your ship away from it.
5.3 Intentionally ramming a ship in order to ''flip'' it or ''catapult'' your ship away from it.
Ramming trade ships or any other ships is just as bad when trying to gain ~unfair advantage.
(12-10-2017, 08:20 AM)SnakThree Wrote: Current rule:
5.3 Intentionally ramming a capital ship with a smaller ship in order to ''flip'' it or ramming a capital ship in order to ''catapult'' your ship away from it.
5.3 Intentionally ramming a ship in order to ''flip'' it or ''catapult'' your ship away from it.
Ramming trade ships or any other ships is just as bad when trying to gain ~unfair advantage.
This rule has always kinda sorta, maybe me uncomfortable. Because for instance, some one like me If I am flying a Bomber, and I am going for a SNAC I have a terrible habit of waiting for the extreme last second to fire as to assure I hit is, which often times leads to me Nearly or just barely clipping the enemy ship which can get sketchy when it happens in succession. Don't get me wrong this is something that simply gets better over time, and its mostly about my preference in when to fire.
Also, Doing this could harm PvP when you realize that "Mine Ramming" "and "Suicide Nova" Build's often rely on Ramming into the opposing ship, and one more then on occasion (I have noticed it more so on the Eagle and Lynx both ships with Wing type thingies then anywhere else personally) you can end up with a weird "Flip" Effect which can sometimes make you turn almost instantly. Not something malicious(also incredibly uncommon) just more about the unfortunate side effects of an Unskilled pilot. And if the rule is changed, I fear that the, Already bogged down, Admin Team might get even further bogged down..
I doubt that staff would cover nova or mine ramming as malicious act. This rule is more about intentional ramming to flip target or catapult yourself away. I am proposing that this isn't limited to capital ship ramming, as I have experienced first hand, some malicious capital ships bumping my trade ships out of dockpoint.
I only use this when I stop a trader and they sit in front of the lane and try to run. If they don't move away I just ram them away so I can interact with them without guns. I learned that one from one of @sindroms videos.
I have been Bumped many times, and Completly agree that something more have to be done against it, since rule was alwais wague, and it is hard to prove intentional bumping to.
I have proposed that during Colision both ships recive large hull damage, more the diference in hull strength/ship class = more damage to smaller ship, that way smaller and more agile ships will make sure they will not BUMP oponents, while larger ship that may have advantage in Colision will lack Manouverability for intentional ramming, but nothing have be done to prevent bumping.
(12-10-2017, 10:53 AM)Shelco Wrote: I only use this when I stop a trader and they sit in front of the lane and try to run. If they don't move away I just ram them away so I can interact with them without guns. I learned that one from one of @sindroms videos.
I dont care where you learn this, intentional bumping ships is alwais trolling, regardles of class ( but especially on ships that takes eternity to turn in right direction, like Battleships and large transports), you have CD and trade line destroying for preventing trader escape, i am suprised nobody report you for this (they were probably noobs that didnt know for report, or rules, and they probably left before they find out) , i wuld report in for sure if i have ever seen this.
@sasapinjic You are aware that if a trader keeps moving towards a lane that he will, at some point, be so close to it that you cannot shoot it fast enough to prevent his escape. Of course, I could just outright shoot them for not listening to my demand to move away from them but where's the fun in that? My method just prevents the trader from dying unnecessarily and has nothing to do with trolling.
(12-10-2017, 03:05 PM)Shelco Wrote: @sasapinjic You are aware that if a trader keeps moving towards a lane that he will, at some point, be so close to it that you cannot shoot it fast enough to prevent his escape. Of course, I could just outright shoot them for not listening to my demand to move away from them but where's the fun in that? My method just prevents the trader from dying unnecessarily and has nothing to do with trolling.
Agreed here. Downing Trade Lanes are too slow sometimes if pirate needs to verbally roleplay, keep shooting the lane and watch for Cruise Engines and hostiles inbound all at the same time. I always demand trade ships to move away from Trade Lanes although if they refuse, you cannot really expect more roleplay and usually I either destroy them or sadly see them fly away through the Lane faster than I can shoot it down.
Pilgrim liner was one i flew long ago that many players internationally rammed in a fight, not sure if some still do that but i do agree it should be added to the rule, just not easy to always determine if it is intentional or not for sure.
Snubs vs snub ramming will eliminate some fighting styles i.e. jousting - so then it will be called "objects", and "indirect-ramming" and crap like this, ramming rule of intentional ramming Capitals needs to stay as it is, due some some fights need certain objects like countermeasures, missiles, and mines to work, or else its a "You bumped me." thing.
So no, thoughts from me would speculate instability in the rules and more stupidity in how to handle ship combat.
Just no.
Regarding Tradelanes, they are neutral, treat them neutral, if a trader goes through a TL link before a pirate downs such TL, then screw the pirates idea of a good time. They loose, trader wins, other way around if the pirate gets to the TL first.
"The path to hell is paved with good intentions."
Quote:* Nodoka Hanamura is all about that SSH life
"There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy - from our odyssey into Hell, we have returned with a gift."
-1 Honestly I don't see any issue with the current rule. Also, there really isn't an issue with a pirate bumping a trader away from a lane as people running for the lanes has always been an issue as well with Silent Traders.